To think I was gonna join COSTCO. I had no idea they were part of having the FBI come after you. Their reasoning is you're "terrorists." This shit makes me sick and angry. There's no such thing as freedom Wayne. Its a big lie this country tells us, but were the same as a third world country. All the inbreds in Utah too are closed minded and if yall get a jury from there. I fear the repercussions. It's funny how there are countries that are far more advanced and already banned the worst of factory farming, but we refuse to catchup. I just cannot fathom how anyone can justify animal cruelty. The simple question is would you like to be enslaved and in a crate where you cannot move until you die. Females seem to always end up the most exploited and suffering. IDK what to say. All we can hope is if it goes to trial you get unbiased people or people with empathy. Why do humans get so offended about vegans. I was reading an article about Cracker Barrel introducing fake meat and some nutcases boycotting them because of it LMAO. Like ok.......and I have been following lab grown meat too and a lot of ppl are against that like why. The shit we eat now is all processed and fake why were all fat asses and fucked up healthwise. Americans are all hooked on medications and so many people with depression. Anyways I feel for you guys. I hope good prevails this time. XOXO
I've seen the "anti vegan" slurs posted places too. They usually are completely moronic babbling motivated by some sick misguided attempt at being "tuff guys" implying that eating meat is macho!! ????? WTF? Animal welfare aside, for the moment, I'd like to see those clowns first hand responses to the actual content and "processing" of hot dogs that they stuff their faces with!!! They would probably puke! Their "tuffness" would go right into the toilet bowl.
Nah its just ignorance and ego. They know hotdogs are made of shit, but people have always hated what is different from them hence racism, sexism, speciesism. Human nature is selfish and anything that challenges their norms or questions their lifestyle or doesn't look or act like them is a threat to them. They don't want to be proven wrong. Most ppl are afraid of change. It is prob unf gonna take decades for all this to revolutionize. I wish I could be alive to see it ❤️
My sense is that when people attack vegans, it's coming from a place of insecurity, and perhaps a place of guilt and personal hurt. We need to confront this with compassion; but you are right that compassion must also come with a dose of truth.
One way to fight for animal and climate justice is through legislation. Senators Khanna and Booker have written a bill, The Farm System Reform Act, that moves us away from Factory Farms (CAFO's). The bill calls for a moratorium on all new and expanding CAFO's while transitioning those farmers to a more humane and sustainable footprint through financial incentives, etc. Small and medium sized family farms are dying and have been dying for decades. In there place is the corporate monopolistic factory farm model. Mega pollution, inhumane conditions for both animals and workers connected to the industry. This fight requires everyone to vote for progressive Democrats up and down the ticket come the Fall and beyond. The Trump party will only continue to enshrine and support the current "business as usual system" of corporate greed, support for monopolies (Smithfield and others), while criminalizing voices like Wayne and others. Please vote and support progressive Democrats this Fall!
This article says it all. Will there be justice in spite of what we've seen thus far? Will justice be served? And yes justice here is vitally important for Wayne, Paul, the animals and all of us! So much courage and persistence has been displayed by these activists and that, no doubt, will continue! We stand by these great men!!
Thank you for your decency, your integrity and your willingness to pursue justice even at the risk of your own freedom. I cannot commend you and your co defendant enough. The antics of this disgraceful, dishonest company and the weak, misguided and wrongful actions of the FBI are truly shocking. I wish you the very best of luck and sincerely hope the trial is fair and allows you to fully defend yourselves by allowing the evidence that is vital to your defence. Principled and ethical people like yourselves will be remembered as true heroes when history judges us for our cruelty.
So cliché it makes me sick to say but, it ultimately comes down to their bottom line. They don't give a crap about anything. They don't care about the welfare of the staff working the facilities, they don't give a crap about the people's health eating their "product", they don't give a crap about the environmental impacts of their actions, etc., etc... they don't give a crap!... oh, unless we're talking about the millions of gallons of fermenting bio-waste seeping into local watersheds and oceans.
Perhaps significant parallels can be found in the way industry and government deals with animal rights activists (and environmentalists) and the labor struggles of the past hundred years or so? The Ludlow Massacre, The Pullman Walkout, the Everette Massacre, the Colorado Labor Wars, etc. Health and wellbeing are completely antithetical to the unspoken (though telegraphed) corporate doctrine of domiciliary domination and control. Was the nonstop assault at Standing Rock really all that different from the above mentioned atrocities? (If this was already brought up in a previous blog post, podcast, or comment I apologize)
A perverted form of domestic 'protectionism'. An insidious scheme of internal 'industrial policy'. Though the fact Smithfield is owned by a Chinese corporation (with heavy connection to their government of course) adds a whole new dimension of crazy to the situation.
I totally agree that the fact those little rescued sweethearts were deemed to have no commercial value speaks volumes in regards to their motive and disposition. Happy to hear that the trial is moved to Washington County! A technical win to be celebrated!
Greed is the disease that kills us all. The rapacious piranha of corporate profit must be put in place and heavily restrained. This upcoming trial will hopefully be a part of a broader multi-faceted course of treatment.
Thank you Wayne, Paul, DxE, & all of their supporters for helping to right the rudders of a ship out of control.
IT's very interesting to compare this to the labor struggles of the early 20th. I think most folks forget that there was a time in this country where workers were routinely charged merely for organizing on their own behalf! Have any good reads on those labor struggles you could suggest, Dave?
I would not at all be surprised if I was told that a time or two loud farts were blamed on communist provocateurs. I don't have any titles on each of these historical incidents to suggest off-hand. I'd have to admit that probably the bulk of my historical knowledge stems from documentaries (lots of PBS over the years, some cable when I had cable) and various articles, interviews, and essays that pop up much like the stuff you write. I can recommend Green is the New Red by Will Potter, but I'm sure you're well steeped in it...even if you haven't read it yet.
You have such a remarkable mind and spirit, and to use them to lead us in courage and compassion, wisdom is the highest calling I’ve can have. You can never be thanked enough for your sacrifice. When the viciousness and extent of the coverup was piled on top of the nightmare cruelty, I was shaking with anger, fear, heartbreak, and grief for you, but I kept rereading your words other showed your relentless quest for kindness, true justice, and hope to keep me from despair. If we give into despair over the size of the evil at hand, what hope will any of the animals ever have? We became completely vegan because of you, and are influencing others. So if you lose the court battle to enormous injustice, I’m praying you will survive and come home to your family and friends, which will inspire even more people. And on bith giood and bad days, I hope you will remember how much we are with you each day all day through.
Wow, thanks so much for these words, Sally. I've often felt like my words don't have much power, in the face of all the hate (and clickbait) inflicted on us by corporate America. I'm grateful to you for being open to them. And I so appreciate your support.
It's a weird thing going into the store nowadays. Knowing that they've sued me, and that their CEO has reported me to the FBI, for merely pointing out some of their bad practices.
But I don't blame him. He's a product of a system that drives executives to seek profit at all costs. And I still shop there. I don't think Costco is inherently evil. And I don't know that starving them of the very tiny amount of profit they get from activists, or our supporters, is likely to do much good.
What we do need, however, is for the prevailing culture to change.
Well written. Powerful corporations shouldn't be above, and practically own, our legal system. #TheSimpleHeart #SimpleHeart #DxE #RightToRescue #FreedomOfSpeech
To think I was gonna join COSTCO. I had no idea they were part of having the FBI come after you. Their reasoning is you're "terrorists." This shit makes me sick and angry. There's no such thing as freedom Wayne. Its a big lie this country tells us, but were the same as a third world country. All the inbreds in Utah too are closed minded and if yall get a jury from there. I fear the repercussions. It's funny how there are countries that are far more advanced and already banned the worst of factory farming, but we refuse to catchup. I just cannot fathom how anyone can justify animal cruelty. The simple question is would you like to be enslaved and in a crate where you cannot move until you die. Females seem to always end up the most exploited and suffering. IDK what to say. All we can hope is if it goes to trial you get unbiased people or people with empathy. Why do humans get so offended about vegans. I was reading an article about Cracker Barrel introducing fake meat and some nutcases boycotting them because of it LMAO. Like ok.......and I have been following lab grown meat too and a lot of ppl are against that like why. The shit we eat now is all processed and fake why were all fat asses and fucked up healthwise. Americans are all hooked on medications and so many people with depression. Anyways I feel for you guys. I hope good prevails this time. XOXO
I've seen the "anti vegan" slurs posted places too. They usually are completely moronic babbling motivated by some sick misguided attempt at being "tuff guys" implying that eating meat is macho!! ????? WTF? Animal welfare aside, for the moment, I'd like to see those clowns first hand responses to the actual content and "processing" of hot dogs that they stuff their faces with!!! They would probably puke! Their "tuffness" would go right into the toilet bowl.
Nah its just ignorance and ego. They know hotdogs are made of shit, but people have always hated what is different from them hence racism, sexism, speciesism. Human nature is selfish and anything that challenges their norms or questions their lifestyle or doesn't look or act like them is a threat to them. They don't want to be proven wrong. Most ppl are afraid of change. It is prob unf gonna take decades for all this to revolutionize. I wish I could be alive to see it ❤️
Fear of change, indeed.
My sense is that when people attack vegans, it's coming from a place of insecurity, and perhaps a place of guilt and personal hurt. We need to confront this with compassion; but you are right that compassion must also come with a dose of truth.
One way to fight for animal and climate justice is through legislation. Senators Khanna and Booker have written a bill, The Farm System Reform Act, that moves us away from Factory Farms (CAFO's). The bill calls for a moratorium on all new and expanding CAFO's while transitioning those farmers to a more humane and sustainable footprint through financial incentives, etc. Small and medium sized family farms are dying and have been dying for decades. In there place is the corporate monopolistic factory farm model. Mega pollution, inhumane conditions for both animals and workers connected to the industry. This fight requires everyone to vote for progressive Democrats up and down the ticket come the Fall and beyond. The Trump party will only continue to enshrine and support the current "business as usual system" of corporate greed, support for monopolies (Smithfield and others), while criminalizing voices like Wayne and others. Please vote and support progressive Democrats this Fall!
Thanks for these thoughts, David! Khanna is one of my favorite people in Congress! :)
Love you Wayne. You give me hope.
Thanks so much, Sherrie! Are you still planning to swing through the Bay Area? Hopefully I'm still out and about when you do, so we can hang out!
This article says it all. Will there be justice in spite of what we've seen thus far? Will justice be served? And yes justice here is vitally important for Wayne, Paul, the animals and all of us! So much courage and persistence has been displayed by these activists and that, no doubt, will continue! We stand by these great men!!
Not great men, but a great movement, including you. Thanks Geno!
Thank you for your decency, your integrity and your willingness to pursue justice even at the risk of your own freedom. I cannot commend you and your co defendant enough. The antics of this disgraceful, dishonest company and the weak, misguided and wrongful actions of the FBI are truly shocking. I wish you the very best of luck and sincerely hope the trial is fair and allows you to fully defend yourselves by allowing the evidence that is vital to your defence. Principled and ethical people like yourselves will be remembered as true heroes when history judges us for our cruelty.
Let's hope the jury agrees. Thanks Chris.
So cliché it makes me sick to say but, it ultimately comes down to their bottom line. They don't give a crap about anything. They don't care about the welfare of the staff working the facilities, they don't give a crap about the people's health eating their "product", they don't give a crap about the environmental impacts of their actions, etc., etc... they don't give a crap!... oh, unless we're talking about the millions of gallons of fermenting bio-waste seeping into local watersheds and oceans.
Perhaps significant parallels can be found in the way industry and government deals with animal rights activists (and environmentalists) and the labor struggles of the past hundred years or so? The Ludlow Massacre, The Pullman Walkout, the Everette Massacre, the Colorado Labor Wars, etc. Health and wellbeing are completely antithetical to the unspoken (though telegraphed) corporate doctrine of domiciliary domination and control. Was the nonstop assault at Standing Rock really all that different from the above mentioned atrocities? (If this was already brought up in a previous blog post, podcast, or comment I apologize)
A perverted form of domestic 'protectionism'. An insidious scheme of internal 'industrial policy'. Though the fact Smithfield is owned by a Chinese corporation (with heavy connection to their government of course) adds a whole new dimension of crazy to the situation.
I totally agree that the fact those little rescued sweethearts were deemed to have no commercial value speaks volumes in regards to their motive and disposition. Happy to hear that the trial is moved to Washington County! A technical win to be celebrated!
Greed is the disease that kills us all. The rapacious piranha of corporate profit must be put in place and heavily restrained. This upcoming trial will hopefully be a part of a broader multi-faceted course of treatment.
Thank you Wayne, Paul, DxE, & all of their supporters for helping to right the rudders of a ship out of control.
Much love.
IT's very interesting to compare this to the labor struggles of the early 20th. I think most folks forget that there was a time in this country where workers were routinely charged merely for organizing on their own behalf! Have any good reads on those labor struggles you could suggest, Dave?
I would not at all be surprised if I was told that a time or two loud farts were blamed on communist provocateurs. I don't have any titles on each of these historical incidents to suggest off-hand. I'd have to admit that probably the bulk of my historical knowledge stems from documentaries (lots of PBS over the years, some cable when I had cable) and various articles, interviews, and essays that pop up much like the stuff you write. I can recommend Green is the New Red by Will Potter, but I'm sure you're well steeped in it...even if you haven't read it yet.
You have such a remarkable mind and spirit, and to use them to lead us in courage and compassion, wisdom is the highest calling I’ve can have. You can never be thanked enough for your sacrifice. When the viciousness and extent of the coverup was piled on top of the nightmare cruelty, I was shaking with anger, fear, heartbreak, and grief for you, but I kept rereading your words other showed your relentless quest for kindness, true justice, and hope to keep me from despair. If we give into despair over the size of the evil at hand, what hope will any of the animals ever have? We became completely vegan because of you, and are influencing others. So if you lose the court battle to enormous injustice, I’m praying you will survive and come home to your family and friends, which will inspire even more people. And on bith giood and bad days, I hope you will remember how much we are with you each day all day through.
Wow, thanks so much for these words, Sally. I've often felt like my words don't have much power, in the face of all the hate (and clickbait) inflicted on us by corporate America. I'm grateful to you for being open to them. And I so appreciate your support.
It's a weird thing going into the store nowadays. Knowing that they've sued me, and that their CEO has reported me to the FBI, for merely pointing out some of their bad practices.
But I don't blame him. He's a product of a system that drives executives to seek profit at all costs. And I still shop there. I don't think Costco is inherently evil. And I don't know that starving them of the very tiny amount of profit they get from activists, or our supporters, is likely to do much good.
What we do need, however, is for the prevailing culture to change.
Yes but haven’t made flight reservations yet. Will let you know when we do!