So cliché it makes me sick to say but, it ultimately comes down to their bottom line. They don't give a crap about anything. They don't care about the welfare of the staff working the facilities, they don't give a crap about the people's health eating their "product", they don't give a crap about the environmental impacts of their action…
So cliché it makes me sick to say but, it ultimately comes down to their bottom line. They don't give a crap about anything. They don't care about the welfare of the staff working the facilities, they don't give a crap about the people's health eating their "product", they don't give a crap about the environmental impacts of their actions, etc., etc... they don't give a crap!... oh, unless we're talking about the millions of gallons of fermenting bio-waste seeping into local watersheds and oceans.
Perhaps significant parallels can be found in the way industry and government deals with animal rights activists (and environmentalists) and the labor struggles of the past hundred years or so? The Ludlow Massacre, The Pullman Walkout, the Everette Massacre, the Colorado Labor Wars, etc. Health and wellbeing are completely antithetical to the unspoken (though telegraphed) corporate doctrine of domiciliary domination and control. Was the nonstop assault at Standing Rock really all that different from the above mentioned atrocities? (If this was already brought up in a previous blog post, podcast, or comment I apologize)
A perverted form of domestic 'protectionism'. An insidious scheme of internal 'industrial policy'. Though the fact Smithfield is owned by a Chinese corporation (with heavy connection to their government of course) adds a whole new dimension of crazy to the situation.
I totally agree that the fact those little rescued sweethearts were deemed to have no commercial value speaks volumes in regards to their motive and disposition. Happy to hear that the trial is moved to Washington County! A technical win to be celebrated!
Greed is the disease that kills us all. The rapacious piranha of corporate profit must be put in place and heavily restrained. This upcoming trial will hopefully be a part of a broader multi-faceted course of treatment.
Thank you Wayne, Paul, DxE, & all of their supporters for helping to right the rudders of a ship out of control.
IT's very interesting to compare this to the labor struggles of the early 20th. I think most folks forget that there was a time in this country where workers were routinely charged merely for organizing on their own behalf! Have any good reads on those labor struggles you could suggest, Dave?
I would not at all be surprised if I was told that a time or two loud farts were blamed on communist provocateurs. I don't have any titles on each of these historical incidents to suggest off-hand. I'd have to admit that probably the bulk of my historical knowledge stems from documentaries (lots of PBS over the years, some cable when I had cable) and various articles, interviews, and essays that pop up much like the stuff you write. I can recommend Green is the New Red by Will Potter, but I'm sure you're well steeped in it...even if you haven't read it yet.
So cliché it makes me sick to say but, it ultimately comes down to their bottom line. They don't give a crap about anything. They don't care about the welfare of the staff working the facilities, they don't give a crap about the people's health eating their "product", they don't give a crap about the environmental impacts of their actions, etc., etc... they don't give a crap!... oh, unless we're talking about the millions of gallons of fermenting bio-waste seeping into local watersheds and oceans.
Perhaps significant parallels can be found in the way industry and government deals with animal rights activists (and environmentalists) and the labor struggles of the past hundred years or so? The Ludlow Massacre, The Pullman Walkout, the Everette Massacre, the Colorado Labor Wars, etc. Health and wellbeing are completely antithetical to the unspoken (though telegraphed) corporate doctrine of domiciliary domination and control. Was the nonstop assault at Standing Rock really all that different from the above mentioned atrocities? (If this was already brought up in a previous blog post, podcast, or comment I apologize)
A perverted form of domestic 'protectionism'. An insidious scheme of internal 'industrial policy'. Though the fact Smithfield is owned by a Chinese corporation (with heavy connection to their government of course) adds a whole new dimension of crazy to the situation.
I totally agree that the fact those little rescued sweethearts were deemed to have no commercial value speaks volumes in regards to their motive and disposition. Happy to hear that the trial is moved to Washington County! A technical win to be celebrated!
Greed is the disease that kills us all. The rapacious piranha of corporate profit must be put in place and heavily restrained. This upcoming trial will hopefully be a part of a broader multi-faceted course of treatment.
Thank you Wayne, Paul, DxE, & all of their supporters for helping to right the rudders of a ship out of control.
Much love.
IT's very interesting to compare this to the labor struggles of the early 20th. I think most folks forget that there was a time in this country where workers were routinely charged merely for organizing on their own behalf! Have any good reads on those labor struggles you could suggest, Dave?
I would not at all be surprised if I was told that a time or two loud farts were blamed on communist provocateurs. I don't have any titles on each of these historical incidents to suggest off-hand. I'd have to admit that probably the bulk of my historical knowledge stems from documentaries (lots of PBS over the years, some cable when I had cable) and various articles, interviews, and essays that pop up much like the stuff you write. I can recommend Green is the New Red by Will Potter, but I'm sure you're well steeped in it...even if you haven't read it yet.