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To think I was gonna join COSTCO. I had no idea they were part of having the FBI come after you. Their reasoning is you're "terrorists." This shit makes me sick and angry. There's no such thing as freedom Wayne. Its a big lie this country tells us, but were the same as a third world country. All the inbreds in Utah too are closed minded …
© 2025 Wayne Hsiung
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To think I was gonna join COSTCO. I had no idea they were part of having the FBI come after you. Their reasoning is you're "terrorists." This shit makes me sick and angry. There's no such thing as freedom Wayne. Its a big lie this country tells us, but were the same as a third world country. All the inbreds in Utah too are closed minded and if yall get a jury from there. I fear the repercussions. It's funny how there are countries that are far more advanced and already banned the worst of factory farming, but we refuse to catchup. I just cannot fathom how anyone can justify animal cruelty. The simple question is would you like to be enslaved and in a crate where you cannot move until you die. Females seem to always end up the most exploited and suffering. IDK what to say. All we can hope is if it goes to trial you get unbiased people or people with empathy. Why do humans get so offended about vegans. I was reading an article about Cracker Barrel introducing fake meat and some nutcases boycotting them because of it LMAO. Like ok.......and I have been following lab grown meat too and a lot of ppl are against that like why. The shit we eat now is all processed and fake why were all fat asses and fucked up healthwise. Americans are all hooked on medications and so many people with depression. Anyways I feel for you guys. I hope good prevails this time. XOXO
I've seen the "anti vegan" slurs posted places too. They usually are completely moronic babbling motivated by some sick misguided attempt at being "tuff guys" implying that eating meat is macho!! ????? WTF? Animal welfare aside, for the moment, I'd like to see those clowns first hand responses to the actual content and "processing" of hot dogs that they stuff their faces with!!! They would probably puke! Their "tuffness" would go right into the toilet bowl.
Nah its just ignorance and ego. They know hotdogs are made of shit, but people have always hated what is different from them hence racism, sexism, speciesism. Human nature is selfish and anything that challenges their norms or questions their lifestyle or doesn't look or act like them is a threat to them. They don't want to be proven wrong. Most ppl are afraid of change. It is prob unf gonna take decades for all this to revolutionize. I wish I could be alive to see it ❤️
Fear of change, indeed.
My sense is that when people attack vegans, it's coming from a place of insecurity, and perhaps a place of guilt and personal hurt. We need to confront this with compassion; but you are right that compassion must also come with a dose of truth.