Wayne - a wonderful, uplifting article, thank you! Quick note - the Donate link in your newsletter does not access a donations page. If this could be fixed, would love to be able to donate regularly without necessity of a monthly subscription. Thank you again!

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I agree with Paul. Moreover, RFK Junior is into complementary medicine, musk, and Raj swami are looking for ways to cut the budget. Animal experimentation is a huge expenditure, it’s useless not to mention in. This could be a golden opportunity to do away with it and save a bundle. We need to make sure they are aware of this, so let’s all write!

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JKF, Jr. is stark raving crazy. Too many heavy drugs over the many years. I agree with cutting budgets that would be good for ending/slowing down animal experimentation, but counting on that is not good enough. Animal Experimention is only good for the researcher's to keep their fricking jobs. It serves no purpose for human issues, and is completely totally inhumane in every sense of the word.

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Nice article, Wayne. Thanks.

You didn't mention the pick of RF Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. He wants to declare war on obesity (eat less meat!) and apparently has said he regards fast-food hamburgers not as food but as poison. Sure, he has controversial (a.k.a. wrong) views on some subjects, but surely his emphasis on healthy eating is positive.

Oh, and how about Tulsi Gabbard, quoted in VegNews as saying, "I have been a lifelong vegetarian."

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RF Kennedy Jr. needs to put his money where his mouth is. Have you seen the photo of Trump and his nominees, including RFK Jr. , about to chow down on McDonald's cheeseburgers, fries and Coke?

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Yes, but I think he (JFK Jr.) was making an exception that time, no? I think that was the point of the news article...

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I looked it up, and the photo was first posted on Donald Trump Jr.'s IG account with the caption "Make America Healthy Again starts TOMORROW." It could have been an opportunity for RFK Jr. to show that at least he's serious about it by eating something healthy.

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Thanks for finding it! I saw the episode as him demonstrating that he is not a rigid know-it-all -- instead, he is willing to compromise for his boss.

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Yes, my sentiments exactly Wayne because this monster who got elected has no use for humans so why would he give a damn about animals. I'm very concerned since animals are my passion notwithstanding that I am a mental health clinician. I love the comment below about cutting huge expenditures, e.g. cutting animal experimentation, but we'll have to wait and see. I only hope. I've been fighting for animal rights and welfare for years. They are so precious and give unconditional love. My motto: Animals Rule.

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Thanks, Wayne, for your great, courageous and heart-filled work. Cheers to you and All Blessings to you! Thankfully, many changes are upon us thanks to the visionaries who blaze trails so that others have an easier path to travel in the journey called life. Gratitude for all those who are ending animal cruelty, which definitely is a trauma that must be healed for us to evolve. The corruption in many of our systems is not sustainable thus change is imminent. It cannot happen soon enough. The animals and habitats have been patiently waiting for us to stop persecuting them.

Wildlands encapsulates my work as a plant-based (vegan for more than 40 years), animal advocate: speaking, teaching, organizing events, fundraising, writing, creating art, working with wildlife too injured to return to the wild, and working politically for animals, habitats and health. There are success stories with inside scoops and scars, too. I've worked with local and State leaders in several states to reduce harm and shift paradigms. Telling the tales is essential... for the wild in all of us! We are each a piece of the peace. XX

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Wayne I love the thumbnails you have for the 2 videos here! I enjoyed the interview you did with Peter Singer.

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Wayne, when I first read your Trump prediction I was angry because I KNEW you were right and it crushed me. Now I’m grateful it was YOU who delivered that blow so I could prepare and cope, then be emotionally ready to support others 😂😩🙃💌

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The world is indeed waking up; kindness runs deeper than partisanship.

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I'm trying to find a way to put my political views aside and support those in Trump's new regime when they actually say and hopefully show that they are in favor of animal rights. It's a work in progress.

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Thank you for keeping on the lookout for empathy for other species across the political spectrum. The more this is voiced the quicker people will coalesce at the level of sensory life in the shared World. All livestocked species were divorced from wild existence by humans. For a long time, we were animals among other animals --- our pride as top predators was our mainstay. Livestocking changed that and divorced us from a wilder existence also, Daily conveniences and survival practices prevented us from thinking as much as we´d have liked about broader possibilities. We have shrunken consequently from Lascaux cave artists almost to the point that we are nothing but the structure that separates us from Earth's

´biosphere. This structure is threatening us. Trump's crew is doing some damage control over the dog shooting campaign blunders . . . yet they have discovered some broader inkling of sympathy in doing so. And youŕe right that this is a pattern that that is taking more widely. Itś not a matter for majority rule . . . itś a matter for cooperative self actualization across all boundaries, including national and species. Even in the courtroom as you've discovered.

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I believe our teeth show that we were basically plant eaters (gatherers, not hunters) as we evolved.

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My reading on this might be dated compared to yours?


Harry Nelson, Robert Jurmain, Lynn Kilgore: PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY


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I do also think that veganism --- and its potential precursor, vegetarianism, --- are broader values that speak to the human animal across divides despite superficial alignments. So itś a good idea to encourage this, definitely Wayne . Is it possible that the end is the means? I mean you were disappointed a while back in the "failure of the vegan movement" but I think itś more than a movement and has effect differently and in unforeseen, more animal and personal outcomes.

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Trump is a nightmare!

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There you go again. You couldn't (and didn't) even respond to comments on your Iast slanderous Trump bash fest ("...KiIIing Dogs") on the subject of vivisection, because, it turns out, Trump is the onIy President who even addressed the issue.

I've been invoIved in animaI rights since 1972, and see a great deaI of enlightenment taking pIace, a road that was paved by activists in previous decades. The actions of the first ALF groups brought a Iot of publicity before the media figured out that caIIing us terrorists was backfiring (and then just censored everything). But the Internet picked up where the "Fake News" Ieft off. And younger generations were Iearning things that had been previousIy kept hidden, and/or had been repIaced with propaganda.

No one is perfect, not even you. But what you don't realize is that this country and it's citizens were being driven into certain demise (Agendas 2021 and 2030 give some hints). What some of us, who pay cIose attention, have known is that President Trump threw a giant wrench into the pIans of those who were driving that bus. I'd Iike to be abIe to share how that happened, and how he is stiII saving your a**, but it wouId take more space than a comment bubbIe couId hoId.

The media, the education institutions, and just about everywhere peopIe get their information, have been indoctrination centers for decades. Brainwashed peopIe don't know they're brainwashed. I do know a few feIIow animaI rights friends who have recentIy woken up, though, and finaIIy realized what it reaIIy going on.

You don't know it yet, but you are Iucky to be aIive, and Iucky to be free so that you can continue to fight for animaIs. We came very cIose to that not being the case.

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