Thank you for keeping on the lookout for empathy for other species across the political spectrum. The more this is voiced the quicker people will coalesce at the level of sensory life in the shared World. All livestocked species were divorced from wild existence by humans. For a long time, we were animals among other animals --- our prid…
Thank you for keeping on the lookout for empathy for other species across the political spectrum. The more this is voiced the quicker people will coalesce at the level of sensory life in the shared World. All livestocked species were divorced from wild existence by humans. For a long time, we were animals among other animals --- our pride as top predators was our mainstay. Livestocking changed that and divorced us from a wilder existence also, Daily conveniences and survival practices prevented us from thinking as much as we´d have liked about broader possibilities. We have shrunken consequently from Lascaux cave artists almost to the point that we are nothing but the structure that separates us from Earth's
´biosphere. This structure is threatening us. Trump's crew is doing some damage control over the dog shooting campaign blunders . . . yet they have discovered some broader inkling of sympathy in doing so. And youŕe right that this is a pattern that that is taking more widely. Itś not a matter for majority rule . . . itś a matter for cooperative self actualization across all boundaries, including national and species. Even in the courtroom as you've discovered.
I do also think that veganism --- and its potential precursor, vegetarianism, --- are broader values that speak to the human animal across divides despite superficial alignments. So itś a good idea to encourage this, definitely Wayne . Is it possible that the end is the means? I mean you were disappointed a while back in the "failure of the vegan movement" but I think itś more than a movement and has effect differently and in unforeseen, more animal and personal outcomes.
Thank you for keeping on the lookout for empathy for other species across the political spectrum. The more this is voiced the quicker people will coalesce at the level of sensory life in the shared World. All livestocked species were divorced from wild existence by humans. For a long time, we were animals among other animals --- our pride as top predators was our mainstay. Livestocking changed that and divorced us from a wilder existence also, Daily conveniences and survival practices prevented us from thinking as much as we´d have liked about broader possibilities. We have shrunken consequently from Lascaux cave artists almost to the point that we are nothing but the structure that separates us from Earth's
´biosphere. This structure is threatening us. Trump's crew is doing some damage control over the dog shooting campaign blunders . . . yet they have discovered some broader inkling of sympathy in doing so. And youŕe right that this is a pattern that that is taking more widely. Itś not a matter for majority rule . . . itś a matter for cooperative self actualization across all boundaries, including national and species. Even in the courtroom as you've discovered.
I believe our teeth show that we were basically plant eaters (gatherers, not hunters) as we evolved.
My reading on this might be dated compared to yours?
Harry Nelson, Robert Jurmain, Lynn Kilgore: PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY
I do also think that veganism --- and its potential precursor, vegetarianism, --- are broader values that speak to the human animal across divides despite superficial alignments. So itś a good idea to encourage this, definitely Wayne . Is it possible that the end is the means? I mean you were disappointed a while back in the "failure of the vegan movement" but I think itś more than a movement and has effect differently and in unforeseen, more animal and personal outcomes.