Sep 14, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Those appointed or elected to key positions or pivotal roles within an organized structure need to always keep in mind that their position solely exists for reasons of functionality and efficiency, and is in no way a platform for self grandeur and lording.

Sideline the ego. Lead by example. Abandon any sense of authority over others. Maintain open lines of communication. Show constant recognition and appreciation that all members of the organization are of equal importance.

Lao Tzu had some good thoughts regarding an approach to leadership as well.

(I haven't listened to the podcast yet, just responding to the text)

Take it easy & all the best!

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Great tips for leadership, Dave!

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I particularly appreciate that you avoided the "politics of punishment" - but instead were kind (and much else).

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Thank you Wayne for another insightful and thought provoking Podcast. I look forward to each new one.

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Thanks Peggy! Please share the posts around, if you can think of anyone who'd benefit!

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Hmm interesting I had no idea about any sexual allegations with DXE. I had to look it up. A bit strange yall kept the perpetrators around 4 a bit and gave them coaching classes. I guess depending what someones accused of. Sexual harrassment VS assault. I worked at a company where there was a known convicted sex offender. He had fucked his stepdaughter and even though she stated it was consensual was on the list. You can never truly know anyone. There are ppl who look so "normal" yet living double lives. IDK how I feel about it. I do not believe child molestors can be rehabilitated. I used to work with all men so I have heard it all and normally I can handle the boys. But once there was a very derogatory vulgar disgusting thing said to me and I felt violated and small. There are women though who really can't take anything. They may be seen as too uptight, but honestly in a workplace you have to be very careful. I can't stand the suits. With the guys on the floor, I could shoot the shit and swear and make banter, but some people will take it too far. I have seen creepy women also harass men who were not all interested so it goes both ways. I remember when I was 18 I had a job in Corporate America actually had my own office even though I was a contractor, but a 40 year old married guy just came into my office and started massaging my shoulders. I was super weirded out, but again afraid to say anything. I shrugged his hands off laughing cuz I tend to get giggly if I am nervous and sway him to leave cuz I had work, but nope. Blatant shit like that happens. This guy I would just say good morning to and good night so have no idea where he got the audacity to even do that. Cringey. My worst one probably I was 11. I was a very endowed girl at that age so a lot of older men would creep. I didn't see my big boobs. I was just a kid so they'd flop all over as I did kid stuff. Well I caught my teacher massaging his ballsack and I guess he took it as I was turned on which is the disturbed mind of those individuals, but I stayed away and he got mad at me and kicked me then called me a shark 🤣😂🤣😂 This dude was a fucking teacher and preacher fully married with kids. I heard he was looking up girl's skirts and known as a pevert. So the sexual stuff esp with kids I just don't have too much sympathy for. How corporations or companies handle reports does make a big difference. You gotta have proof of course, but those things cannot be taken lightly and when those things happen. You feel so alone. You don't want to say anything cuz again stupid woman mode kicks in and you think you're overreacting and 99% of the time. Nothing happens or retaliation happens. So IDK the whole story, but accountabilty should be taken if the victim was dismissed just like the MeToo movement exposed a lot of monsters and victims who were silenced and/or afraid.

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The allegations at issue, in which people were kept around and not banned, were what I would describe as the least serious forms of sexual misconduct. For example, lying to someone about one's sexual history; asking someone on a date incessantly when they had said no; or "hovering" around woman too much.

In every case where someone was accused of something as serious as sexual assault, they were banned.

The problem is that in today's climate, there is no difference between these two categories. Too often, people conflate something like "hovering" with actual assault, even when the former is a first offense.

I don't think that's right. And the inability to distinguish between these two is one of the big challenges movements are facing.

Someday, I'll write about the history of the movement, and how many of the movement leaders who jumped on board the MeToo bandwagon, were actively opposed to accountability for many years prior...

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True and I am a pretty easygoing gal and can tolerate a lot, but some people have different boundaries. I have found most men will keep pushing sorry to be sexist lol cuz theres crazy bitches too. Sometimes that "harmless" stalker whos obsessed with you can turn into your murderer or rapist. So have to take all allegations seriously even tho some ppl do it for money or to use their power to destroy someones life. Always boggles my mind like restraining orders like until youre actually murdered not much we can do maam. But yes Hollyweird still applauding Chris Browns and Roman Polanskis while others are cancelled. I loved hearing ppl fight 4 this sick fuck like he went through a lot surviving the holocaust! IDGAF if you are Jesus and saved humanity. Your evil deed for me defines you. The past is the future. There are some things that are unforgivable and some who cannot be rehabilitated whether its a sickness of the mind or for pleasure. You have no right to violate another person. My Uncle beat my Aunt to a pulp. Every summer she'd come with a black and blue face. He was a funny guy nice as hell to us as kids, but is he a good person? Not to me. Most violators are very charismatic. Its not always the "creep" that looks obvious.

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Have you heard of the Global Compassion Coalition? What you wrote made me think of this article on compassionate leadership! I think we desperately need more of this kind of leadership in the animal rights movement (and everywhere else, too). https://globalcompassioncoalition.org/compassionate-leaders/

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There may be people criticizing me for being a racist. Please know that I am a Chinese immigrant of 35 years in America. And I dare say that ordinary Chinese immigrants (both legal and illegal) are all racists in terms of White Supremacy. This is because they voluntarily choose to quit their decent jobs, give up their earned pensions, leave their beloved relatives and friends, abandon their sweet homes, and exit their native homeland to come to America. All because they admire America is a nation of White People. America is GREAT because of White People.

Meanwhile, I dare say that such anti-Black racism also rampantly exist among the Black population because I have personally witnessed a bunch sophisticated Black people, romantically pursuing vulnerable/disadvantaged White people. If those sophisticated Black people were not racially motivated lovers, they could have much intelligent and better looking Black spouses/partners.

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The correct picture should be that a light complexion person at the center to lead the dark complexion people at the left and right sides.

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