We have such a horrible history of violence towards animals. Thanks for what you do, Wayne.

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Thanks for the support, Diana.

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And thank you for exposing these important issues, Wayne.

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Our species is a demon to the animals, but you're an angel, Wayne. . .

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not an angel, just a random dude who really loves dogs! :P

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lol lotsa folks "love dogs" but few would fight for them as you have!

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Read and weep Makes me so sick. What a rotten trackrecord we have.

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Here is the thing: we can, and will, do better. These poor creatures deserve are love. And people you are helping us give it to them!

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It is so astounding to me that these dogs still give so much love after so much abuse from humans. They embody forgiveness.

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Our ongoing betrayal of the trust of the species we most profess to love and welcome into our homes as family is something most people would not find tolerable if it were widely publicized.

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The horror of evil masquerading as medical research needs to end, and thanks to people like Wayne and this movement, there is hope. 🙏

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You're right! "Research" is a misnomer. It's torture.

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Some humans are such cowards such horrible vile heartless people !! Sending that dog into space was a cowardly wicked thing to do. Animals are not ours to experiment on at all and worse still is there’s no laws to stop this !! Let willing humans go into space not animals who don’t have a choice . Good on any human who use their voices in anyway to help animals,they are my kind of people !!

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It's pretty wild. The scientist even brought the dog to his family to play with his children on the day before they sent her into space. So there was a recognition that the dog was a feeling and even social beings. But no thought put into the ethics of hurtling her into space.

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I never knew that ,makes him more of a monster to take her home before her life was about to end alone in a fckn space ship! It’s like a horror movie but true. I detest this life for animals I really do their suffering is a terrible thing it hurts my soul as it does yours .

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I don't think most Americans are aware of the ongoing assault happening to dogs regularly in the medical industry. Thanks for exposing the injustices, Wayne. If everyone can share this far and wide, I think it will elucidate the bigger problem: the logic that people are using to harm non-human animals (even pets) doesn't just apply to factory farmed animals that are eaten. We must stop all abuse with full abolition. Let's all live with integrity, please. As much as one can practically and possibly.

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This is precisely why we need to use the Ridglan trial to BLOW THIS STORY UP. If Americans hear, they'll be opposed.

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The vivisection industry knows that the American public abhors the abuse of animals, especially dogs. Normal, decent, thinking, feeling humans (the people that might be on a jury) react with visceral horror when they see the abuse that occurs for the benefit of the biomedical industry. The industry knows it has to keep this abuse hidden in order to keep profiting. That's why this Ridglan Farms case is so important. I have to wonder if the judge in this case will actually allow evidence of abuse to be presented in this trial. That single factor could make all the difference.

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the cruelty and arrogance of those who bring only violence and fear into the animal world is horrific . they are at our mercy , against most cowardly monsters. thankfully we have you Wayne , with your heart burning with love and immense compassion , you never cease to fight for animals , reminding us that our treatment of animals is a measure of our humanity . Thank you Wayne ❤️❤️

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We need to get grassroots support! Sharing pictures and stories on public media is one good way to inform the public of these tortures. Let’s share ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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Can’t believe that stages humans reach to get their goal..to kill. Especially when they target the innocent and defenseless.

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It bothers me when they send dogs up in space. I feel so bad for those innocent puppers.

I totally agree with this post.

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It's awful, isn't it? The poor little baby trapped in her tiny space capsule. The betrayal is hard to comprehend... :(

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Why betrayal is O.K. from the Catholic Church:

"Respect" for the integrity of creation

2415 The seventh commandment enjoins respect for the integrity of creation. Animals, like plants and inanimate beings, are by nature destined for the common good of past, present, and future humanity. ...Man's dominion over inanimate and other living beings granted by the Creator is not absolute; it is limited by concern for the quality of life of his neighbor, including generations to come; it requires a religious respect for the integrity of creation.

"Dominion" by any other name is STILL domination. Pope Francis can foster a more compassionate view "over other creatures" while still condoning their exploitation and slaughter. The concept of religion is antithetical to liberating other animals from the human perception that they belong to us to use as we please. "Indeed, as the Second Vatican Council teaches, man is 'the only creature on earth which God willed for itself'…. It is certain that animals are at the service of man and can hence be the object of experimentation." Continuing: "Likewise, in the official Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Holy See (or papal court/Vatican government) concludes about other uses of animals: God entrusted animals to the stewardship of those whom he created in his own image. Hence it is legitimate to use animals for food and clothing. They may be domesticated to help man in his work and leisure."

I hope I'm making a point. Unlike the animal-rights movement which is a newcomer on the scene, the Catholic Church has had CENTURIES to harden peoples' hearts against animals and influence EVERY cultural institution on the planet due to its missionary work of "spreading the word of God." Wherever the Flag went, so did the Cross. Everywhere the Pope goes, he's always reinforcing people that they were "created in God's image." As animal activists, we know that the Emperor has no clothes.

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And what is even sadder is if she had somehow miraculously survived she would have showered with kisses the 'scientists' that opened the door of that capsule.

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Animals are the voiceless victims they need our voices to liberate them and stop this vile industry 😪😪😪

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Thank you Wayne! Like many, I can’t be on the front line for animal liberation BUT I’m vegan, I donate, support, and share everywhere on social media! We must expose these horrors so people can’t look away, can’t pretend it’s not happening everywhere. Transparency is the enemy to AG!

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I agree with everything you've said. Violence against animals doesn't end with experimentation and vivisection, though. It begins with the dinner plate.

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