Thank you for your incredible work, Wayne! Also, reading your stories in the Simple Heart is one of my favourite things!

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Congratulations on the win! Wonderful work by all involved and heartfelt gratitude to the women who bravely rescued two animals in need of compassion.

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If you ask me, "our humanity" is highly overrated. Even the Pope doesn't get it when he Tweeted: "It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly." It is contrary to ANIMAL DIGNITY to be treated as "things" devoid of value.

What Foster Farms and other ag industries do to animals, as exposed by DxE and other activists, MOCKS the Pope's words and his white-washed version of "human dignity." The judge ruled that chickens are animals and not human beings to undercut the necessity defense (even though the judge is wrong in that human beings ARE animals, every other species knows it). Personally, I don't believe in "human dignity."

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Wonderful what you are doing. Wonderful that you won. Congratulations.

I'm one of the lucky people with well-treated chickens close by laying eggs which it feels fine (to me) to eat.

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What do you mean by this? Are you eating chickens and their eggs?

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I'm eating the eggs of well-treated free range chickens.

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i'd be interested to hear where you get the chics from - a hatchery where they don't kill all the male chics or send the chics by post? Or perhaps you hatch them yourself. There is all kinds of brutality involved with raising chickens to lay eggs, even when they are treated well

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So good ❤️🐓❤️🐓🐷💕🐷💕Please keep adding these valuable gems to the justice for animals collection even if it’s once in a while.

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Absolutely for the most beautiful of all ; animals!

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i believe when a jury has a chance to see these things, they are not as apt as a judge to criminalize it. I recall a case in Hove, England (2004 Crown Court) where it took the jury only 2 hours to decide on a unanimous verdict of not guilty after a man admitted rescuing 15 chickens from the 'waste pits'. The jury accepted that he acted with honest intent AND that the average person on the street would agree with him.

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you are on the side of history

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you are on the side of history

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you are on the side of history

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Great victory, you are heroes!!!

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