i believe when a jury has a chance to see these things, they are not as apt as a judge to criminalize it. I recall a case in Hove, England (2004 Crown Court) where it took the jury only 2 hours to decide on a unanimous verdict of not guilty after a man admitted rescuing 15 chickens from the 'waste pits'. The jury accepted that he acted w…
i believe when a jury has a chance to see these things, they are not as apt as a judge to criminalize it. I recall a case in Hove, England (2004 Crown Court) where it took the jury only 2 hours to decide on a unanimous verdict of not guilty after a man admitted rescuing 15 chickens from the 'waste pits'. The jury accepted that he acted with honest intent AND that the average person on the street would agree with him.
i believe when a jury has a chance to see these things, they are not as apt as a judge to criminalize it. I recall a case in Hove, England (2004 Crown Court) where it took the jury only 2 hours to decide on a unanimous verdict of not guilty after a man admitted rescuing 15 chickens from the 'waste pits'. The jury accepted that he acted with honest intent AND that the average person on the street would agree with him.