Jun 2, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Thank you Wayne for another informative and inspiring blog post. I learned a lot from it. The historical context gives more weight to this decade's actions so far and potential actions. This content would make a great mini-course, or even segment to the Open Rescue Experience workshops. It is compelling because it allows one to see where it started and how far it's come, in other words, the progress. As well as the twists and turns. But it makes it really obvious that the torch has been passed and had to continue to be passed, just like any great movement that came before it. I knew almost none of this except what I know about DxE since getting involved almost 2 years ago. I'm ashamed to admit that, but not afraid, because it's really important to continue to learn and grow. I am extremely grateful to you for teaching and leading. Also great to have a better understanding of what the Simple Heart's purpose is.

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

So beautiful to see Patty Mark getting the credit she deserves, then a little painful to read: "Even before Patty Mark, Gene Baur at Farm Sanctuary had begun rescuing animals from stockyards in Pennsylvania. But unlike Patty’s rescues, Gene’s rescues did not spawn a movement — until much later. " To the best of my knowledge (though Gene can correct me if I am wrong) Gene did not do a single rescue in those days without the extraordinary Lorri Houston, who later became Lorri Bauston, when she and Gene married (as he was Gene Bauston), and Lorri was certainly a fundamental part of that first rescue of the ewe named Hilda. For twenty years their work together building Farm Sanctuary was extraordinary. Then they divorced, Lorri was kicked off the Finger Lakes farm, and not even allowed to see her beloved animals. She started again, and formed Animal Acres in Los Angeles, a brilliant media move, and when things went sour there (Lorri's skills at the time were glorious communication on behalf of animals rather than managing employees) Gene and Farm Sanctuary took that too. Lorri, bless her, then helped run the Thich Nhat Hahn center in San Diego.

Gene is a magnificent activist, as is Lorri. It's time to un-erase her name from the founding of Farm Sanctuary given that she gave it twenty years of her life.

Wayne, I know you are sensitive to the disposability of women in our movement. Lorri, co-founder of Farm Sanctuary, and very much part of the first Hilda rescue, is a prime example.

I just tried to find video of the amazing gal, and it was hard. They really have erased her. But I remembered her gorgeous introduction of my speech at AR2009. Watch the first 90 seconds of this and see the grace, beauty, vivacity and strength our movement lost when it disposed of Lorri: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9lJoCrUWZE

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Thank you, I will look forward to reading this….sadly I can’t do too much as I live in England.

Your legal studies must have helped as you knew what is and is not within the law…

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You always have the right words at the right time! 💕

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Wayne, keep lighting the way out of the factory farm system that is cruel to animals and workers. It is bankrupting farmers and it poisons consumers.

The angry posts you get is a sign you're doing something that works. Don't let the bastards wear you down.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

I'm not sure what the future will bring, but I believe you, Mr. Hsiung, will be a part of it!

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WAYNE WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY SAME AS H S for without real great leaders against EVIL life would not be worth living.

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Thanks for this post!

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The photo of the monkey in the locked state shows the world how EVIL we are I have a musume of photos that I can send to you best address to send the ENSURE to Advise

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A researcher performed the following experiment in a laboratory: He cut off the front leg of a frog and told the frog to jump. The frog jumped. He cut off the other front leg of the frog and told the frog to jump. The frog jumped. He cut off the right rear leg of the frog and told the frog to jump . The frog jumped. He cut off the other rear leg of the frog and told the frog to jump. The frog did not jump. CONCLUSION: Frogs become deaf when their legs are cut off.

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Minor point, especially since this is an old post, but that 1990 survey of activists shows 18% were vegan (not vegetarian) 45% said they were vegetarian (compared to 0% and 6% of the non-activists respectively) and 24% thought animals used for food should be the focus of the movement (54% thought animals used in research). So perhaps the shift in attitudes to farmed animals was already underway before the first open rescue.


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when they took us to the dairies I asked about dying the milk white since i heard it was pink from blood getting in it due to cows suffering from mastitis!. they were kinda like "what didn't you just say " i was just vegetarian back then though. 13 yrs vegan in August. We old.

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when i was 17 i went to a 5 week summer program at uc davis each week a different area of vet stuff. large animal was my fav but once they took us to this lab where there was a monkey in a small cage with some type of metal cap attached to her skull and a little mirror outside her cage door. the guy who showed us said he didnt agree with it and didnt like the person who was in charge :( they also had the door knobs placed very high on the doors in case the monkeys escaped.

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Putting 2 heads on dogs keeping animals in pits to study depression with your tax dollars helps none only shows sadists how evil and backward they are in the age of computers.

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Yes we are so evil to harm other species in an Evil country called America that allows it legally.

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YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. And if you eat dead animals you are DES, red dye,arsenic, hormones, pesticides and antibiotics which equals sick or soon to be sick Before an animal is killed it releases in its body a poisoner fear that then goes into the body of the person who ate it.

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