while i agree with your reassessment, i'm also glad Boycott Veganism got published when it did. it added a really important perspective to the conversation, and our movements are better for having it. (i also think the articles gets a LOT more right than it doesn't; i'll be excited to see your revised version when it's ready).
while i agree with your reassessment, i'm also glad Boycott Veganism got published when it did. it added a really important perspective to the conversation, and our movements are better for having it. (i also think the articles gets a LOT more right than it doesn't; i'll be excited to see your revised version when it's ready).
while i agree with your reassessment, i'm also glad Boycott Veganism got published when it did. it added a really important perspective to the conversation, and our movements are better for having it. (i also think the articles gets a LOT more right than it doesn't; i'll be excited to see your revised version when it's ready).