I cried too 😥 I have moved to Texas and seeing the blatant disregard for simply dogs here is apalling. They are property left chained up their whole lives in 109F weather and I can't do anything about it......strays everywhere. We took 1 in. So many fake rescues, so many full shelters. I then imagine all the cows, pigs, etc who are being tortured daily and transported in this heat with no food, water, covered in shit, being tortured by sick fucks and it is overwhelming. This world is just plain evil. I am not religious, but I will pray that this corrupt system lets you free. It will be an injustice. You are still a hero in my eyes.

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Thank you for your prayers. You're right there's a lot of evil. But just always remember there's immense good too -- including people like you! And good will win. :)

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You and your team are so brave. Thank you for everything you do to inform us of what REALLY goes on in these torture chambers called farms. Shared. X

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Thanks for the support Carolyn!

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Anytime and all the time! Only just seen this!!! I am a technophobe though! X

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This broke my heart also but I know what you are doing is vital for the animals!

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Thank you for all you do for the animals and for me .... i am overwhelmed so often in trying to elevate animal abuse ... it is a source of strength to know there are other competent humans making difficult decisions and moving forward to help animals. It is an overwhelming journey but we are making a difference! Thank YOU!

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Thanks so much for this! It's a team effort, and I appreciate the support!

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Respect and gratitude abounds! Seeing a lawyer (and DxE team) openly confront the abhorrent practices of industrialized animal agriculture in broad daylight using existing animal welfare laws to highlight the hypocrisy, corruption, & lies has been a dream come true. It seemed that, thanks to the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act & Ag-Gag laws, the bigger animal rights groups just clamed up in regards to factory farming. Animal rights advocates & activists have pretty much only existed in the margins, on the fringe, and in the dark so I am extremely grateful for the space being made within the mainstream consciousness and in the media.

This is a colossal endeavor. Animal rights activists, environmentalists, anti-nuke activists, etc. are treated like enemies of the state & terrorists because (in government's eyes) we are screwing with their standing on the world stage. Animal agriculture affects almost every part of our economy. There is the culture aspect as well. The whole "macho men eat dead flesh" nonsense, the religious "dominion over animals" crap, the addicted crying about the proposed loss of their half-pound meat slab like a bunch of little kids whining about a "Happy" Meal, and then people who profit from the putrid practice. We need to put forth examples of new economic models (I know there are equitable and compassionate nerds out there that do this kind of thing for fun). We need to introduce proposals for tax incentives and grants for new meat alternatives. I would love to see those ranchers that have switched from animal farming to mushroom farming (or whatever) to team up and create an information bank with a basic easy to follow outline consisting of the steps that need to be taken in order to facilitate a switch, and it would be outstanding for those ranchers to have a booth at various county & state fairs in effort to present the idea in a casual non-confrontational way -grab a cotton candy, watch a Shammy-Wow demo, gander at the constant rotation of swollen bovines being hooked up to industrial yuck-suckers, and Hey! ..pick up a pamphlet and take in a brief testimonial about switching to a more sustainable and healthy product! We also need blood thinners and other drugs that are not derived from animals, it would be great if the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine spearheaded the initiative.

The looming trial will hopefully be one for the history books and perhaps now more than ever is the time for all factions of animal rights and environmentalism to unify and show support. Any gripe or grudge that manifests between groups needs to be squashed. From the ALF to PETA to Mercy For Animals to Sea Sheppard to Greenpeace... We are all on the same team. There is no room for tribalism and in-fighting. Too many lives are at stake including our own.

Much love.

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Thanks for this very thoughtful comment. I love the idea of harnessing the stories of ranchers who've "switched" at county fairs. Have you reached out to PCRM or other groups about that? Renee Sonnen-King's Rancher Advocacy Program may also be interested.

And agree about the infighting. Gotta stop that if we're going to succeed, together. (Across movements, too!)

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Thanks Wanye for the reply. To be honest I have not reached out to PCRM (yet) and the county fair idea hit me as I was writing my comment. Renee's work is what made me think of it. I love that you tossed the ball back at me. I suppose my intention was to plant a seed so those in closer proximity and with a better understanding would be (also) inclined to delve into those proposals. Any medical doctors read/listen to this podcast?.. Any ex-ranchers, ranch hands, or ex-4H members visiting this domain? I will reach out, though it will basically be from (what I feel is) a somewhat uninformed laymen's perspective, especially when it comes to the medical industry.

I would like to continue to implore all of us (especially the academics amongst us) to help create tangible and comprehensive models of a humane and ecological world. I feel the lack of imagination and the fear of the unknown is a huge part of the reason we are met with such venom and distain within our society.

On a side note, but perhaps it relates: With maybe the exception of steak (in the USA at least) people are really only savoring the sauces. It's funny to watch their faces drop when pointing that out.

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My heart breaks for all these animals and for you soldiers who investigates these torture farms. I live in Canada and I know it’s goes on here also. I wish more could be done with the government and the powers that be.

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Thank you Brenda! Have you been following the trial in Canada involving Jenny McQueen et al?

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I just read about her. Fortunately she’s alive! Thanks Wayne, I’ll read more about her.

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No I haven’t, was she the lady who was killed by the truck carrying pigs?

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I knew of the evils of factory farming decades ago. This was a major reason for my choosing to be vegetarian. I didn't want to be part of that system, to contribute to it. Good that you are helping stop it.

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Thank you Elsa!

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