
You are the best thing that has happened to animals in my lifetime (and I am old). Thank you so so much for putting yourself on the line for these souls and for being so smart about it. You are truly my hero, and their hero. xoxoxoxo

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Definitely not a hero, and def not the best thing to happen to anyone. Maybe the worst, in some cases (like my dad, who has lived a much more stressful life than he ever wanted.)

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Thank you for sharing this inspirational message of how we underestimate our power. We can't. The animals need us now because the light is shining upon them. We need to make it bright and fight.

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Thanks Michelle. Bright indeed.

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Bless you and Thank you for caring and sharing and helping these Poor suffering animals 🙏❤️A Voice for the voiceless❤️❤️🙏🙏There should be more people like you and this world would be a much better place ❤️

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Thanks Annica. You're one of those people!

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Your analysis is an eye-opener for me. I hope positive changes will help the movement grow stronger for the animals! I’ll continue to support animal liberation in every way available to me. Thank you, Wayne!

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Glad you found this helpful, Marsha!

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Thanks, Wayne. Your focus on cruelty will resonate with many carnies too. Good luck in reigniting the open rescue movement.

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Let's do it together, friend!

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Thank you for sharing your thoughtful analysis about your "failure" as a leader, and your insightful comments about the rescue movement.

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Oh please don't put failure in quotes. They were real failures, I guarantee. :)

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Personally i believe we owe the animals all the help we can give them in every way possible. Children should be taught in school about animals and to respect them all. Kindness is in us all i believe , but the way the world is right now it needs to be brought out of us humans . We need to be their voice more than ever !

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This is such an important message for DxE especially at this time. Thank you for writing it and for your amazing wisdom Wayne.

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Thanks Diana, sending you lots of love! Let's hang out soon!

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You guys are so awesome but will donate soon

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Very hard to read about your experience watching a dog being beaten to death. I can imagine that image fueled your dedication to helping all animals. Thank you for all that you do.

What is the name of the YouTube channel?

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(From Wayne's team) Thanks for asking! The YouTube channel is called Wayne Hsiung (@WayneHsiung_). Here is the link:


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Thank you so much for your inspiring words!

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Thank you Wayne well done.

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I'm sure you will see these goals achieved, because you're right that it's the antidote, a very genuine & root antidote, to so much viciousness and deception of self and others that are current. And healing certainly has to be billed as interspecies – ultimately – since slaughter has mostly been viewed as a 'necessary evil' and as such deeply worked into child training, legalism and family building. Also, implicit in thousands of rescuers, is many more rescued animals, and thus establishment of more sanctuaries. This should be organized at town or city level as a logical component of a necessary shift to an ecovillage way of life, far and wide. A sensible and popular destination for animals would seem to make room up ahead for the movement you are evoking.

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Thank you for this post! I was a little cynical with your last post because it read like a rehash of DxE's old vision of liberation in one generation. So I'm glad you call that out and explained what happened. I'm excited what the future will bring for us and the animals!

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I feel better about the future of animals after reading this post especially what Belgium has done for animals. Thanks again so very very much for your compassion and love for the most beautiful and vulnerable creatures.

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Wayne your courage and leadership is a bright light in the world. Thank you. This message hits home on so many levels. I have worked at many non-profits who encountered the issues you mention. I use to work at Apple with Steve Jobs and his focus was clear. His energy was directed. His passion fueled his vision. But he was not an easy person and I am sure he faced his own demons. Nothing is easy, but we all have a role to play. It's simple - but not easy. Thank you again for all.

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