We have been treating farm animals wrong for so long that it’s considered criminal to treat them right.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

As a former cattle rancher now vegan, I can tell you that my love for the cows in my care supersedes anything I thought I could ever feel for them when I was profiting off of them. Going vegan shifted my perception and I’m so grateful I can be in harmony with these magnificent beings. We must all rally around Tracy and lift our voices and hearts to escalate veganism. It is the crucial lens to our humanity. Thank you Wayne for your service to this vital case.

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It's interesting how your POV changed after you shifted away from a commercial relationship! I imagine there's a similar but smaller effect from veganism.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

We're with you too! Eating plant based has improved my health and is also delicious, with no guilt.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

You are changing the world!!

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wonderful column that raises important ethical issues. Everyone should read it. Shared on Facebook and with my animal groups. Thank you, Wayne.

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Thanks for sharing, Evan!

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Thank you Wayne! Thank you for helping to change our horrid current justice system. When does Tracy go to trial?

Reminds me when I had started a movie by filming dairy meat and egg farms. We filmed a dairy farm horror show but all 22 of us had a shock when driving our van to the front gate of HARRIS BEEF RANCH, and they arrested Lynda and one other, just for asking them if we could visit! They thought the Lynda they arrested was me! Wayne, you advised me what do do back then. You are my hero for life!🙏💜🙏💜🙏💜💜🙏

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No trial date yet, but most likely in late summer!

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wow, what a fantastic article. The references to both King Solomon and the history of the GDP really drove your points home. You’re such an eloquent writer and storyteller. Hoping the jurors will open their hearts and vote for love.💚

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Thanks Jill!

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Wayne, you're inspiring. We stopped eating factory farm meats and buy local foods. It's not possible for everyone but for those that can, it's critical to grow some food yourself, eat plant based, and care for the animals around us. It's a reflection on our society when we allow cruelty into the food system.

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"It's not possible for everyone but for those that can, it's critical to grow some food yourself, eat plant based, and care for the animals around us."

I really like this idea. Hope to adopt it myself someday.

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Yes but you're out in the trenches winning the war one foot at a time. If we lived closer, we would deliver food to your door as a thank you for your activism.

If you're ever near Salmon Arm BC, Canada, stop by for some tree ripened fruits and veggies that were grown organically using permaculture principles based on regenerating the soil by working in harmony with animals, not exploiting them.

We're Thrive Farmstead. My family just moved here two years ago onto the farm and hope to be in full operation in the next two years.

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne, it's not just the legal system that regards other-than-human beings as "things" but organized religion. Here's what I was being taught in Catholic schools about animals:

FROM THE CATECHISM: 2418 It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly. It is likewise UNWORTHY to spend money on them that should as a priority go to the relief of human misery. One can love animals; one should not direct to them the affection due only to persons.  [P.S. In other words, addressing all the relentless atrocities, misery, suffering, killing and violence humans unflinchingly and defiantly inflict on other animals and supporting animals charities and causes is to be considered UNWORTHY of "human dignity" (sugarcoated by Catholic Church doctrine) because human suffering should be a priority! MEANWHILE: "Around 18,000 cows have been killed, and one person critically injured, at an explosion and fire at a dairy farm in Texas.... These cows died a horrifying death in a place where they should not have been. Their screams are a heartbreaking reminder of the cruelty that humans place on these animals." "A massive pig farm containing more than 10,000 pigs recently burned to the ground, killing every single animal trapped inside.... These mass-casualty fires—and the industry’s response to them—once again demonstrate how animals trapped in the agriculture industry are treated as mere commodities."]

According to the Catholic Church, “Brute beasts, not having understanding and therefore not being persons, cannot have any rights. The conclusion is clear. They are not autocentric. They are of the number of THINGS, which are another’s: they are chattels, or cattle. We have no duties to them…. Nor are we bound to any anxious care to make [their] pain as little as may be. Brutes are THINGS in our regard: so far as they are useful to use, they exist for us, not for themselves; and we do right in using them unsparingly for our need and convenience….” Jesuit Joseph Rickaby

The reflection that the "lower creatures" suffered, although innocent, troubled many consciences. But the official dogma stood firm that "brutes" had neither personality, "intellective soul" nor future life.  Their place in the universe was fixed forever in Genesis 1:38, that they live and died for human convenience. As late as the middle of the last century, Pius IX refused permission for the formation in Rome of a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals on the grounds that it was a theological error to suppose that humans had any duty toward animals....  IN ADDITION, echoes of the Cartesian idea occur in a statement made by Pius XII to the effect that when the "lower" animals are killed in a laboratory or an abattoir, “their cries should not arouse UNREASONABLE COMPASSION any more than do red-hot metals undergoing the blows of the hammer, seeds soiling underground, branches crackling when they are pruned, grain that is surrendered to the harvester; wheat being ground by the milling machine.  All these agricultural, commercial, vivisectionist, and ecclesiastical groups, are quick to raise the cry of sentimentality when any attempt is made to consider the mental or emotional life of other-than-human beings. SOURCE: "Men, Beasts, and Gods - A History of Cruelty and Kindness to Animals" -- Gerald Carson (1972)

The Catholic Church isn't fit to preach this rubbish as the teachings of Jesus himself -- which is exactly why I left it! Imagine, teaching children this rubbish--I know, I was being indoctrinated as a child. Imagine teaching children to regard other animals as "things," "property," "resources," and "livestock" as a matter of morality, dogma or doctrine! Harden their hearts at a tender age! In general, the Catholic Church teachings have helped to harden our hearts, starting as children under the authority of parish priests, Sunday schools, parochial schools, and news media saturated with subliminal religious messages (such as reporting on the Pope and the Vatican).

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Wow this totally blows my mind. Thank you for sharing this. I'm interested in that book. This explains so much. It's disturbing, but helpful.

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne I really don’t know what we’d do without you and DxE. It brings me daily Weltschmerz knowing how the dear farmed animals are treated but knowing there are inspiring humans like you brings me hope. Veganism really is the moral baseline. Thank you!

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

My LOVE and STRENGTH are with you Tracy. You have the best to protect you. Wayne stay SAFE stay FOCUSED stay STRONG LOVE will WIN every time. We are rooting for you in Asheville much LOVE ☮️💜🌎🐷🐐🐓🐮🦃🐑

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

The "problem" is all of us. We want our bellies full and don't want to spend our entire pay check on food. Why aren't there more farmers? Because some people figured out how to produce food cheaper so the rest of us can do something else.

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I agree but the some people who produce food cheaply is a mask. It's giant corporations using migrant slave labour, pesticides, growth hormones and other toxins to sell us cancer causing foods that deplete and destroy the land. And the food is heavily subsidized with our taxes to make it look cheaper. It's not.

The way forward is getting back to the land to farm in regenerative ways, instead of exploitive ways. My family was lucky enough to quit our city jobs and move into a small farm. I know not everyone can do that but please consider buying food from local farmers when you can.

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They figured out how to make food cheaper by getting money from our govt (tax dollars), destroying eco systems communities, climate, and inflicting beyond horrific suffering on animals. The real cost is still there, and we will pay for every penny we've saved. Eating meat is a choice, and truly unnecessary. There is no excuse for this.

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Whether you eat meat or not, you still eat something. Until we realize where our food comes from the problem remains.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Tracey, so sorry for your loss. Love is stronger than hate. The jury has to see that. We will be watching. Thank you Wayne.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Thank you for doing the summit today in Buffalo. It was wonderful to meet you. We admire your work and are inspired to do better for the animals. This article is both hopeful and a huge cautionary tale. Christine~ Compassion & Cucumbers Vegan Podcast

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Best wishes for Tracy and you ! Another informative article and interesting read. Thanks for everything you do for animals!

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne I really don’t know what we’d do without you and DxE. It brings me daily Weltschmerz knowing how the dear farmed animals are treated but knowing there are inspiring humans like you brings me hope. Veganism really is the moral baseline. Thank you!

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