(From Wayne's team) Thank you all for supporting Wayne and the Right to Rescue! Anyone can write letters to Wayne while he is in the Sonoma County jail. Details at DxE.io/writetowayne. Also, please join court support for Wayne's sentencing hearing on November 30th. Find details on the event page at DxE.io/sentencing. And we’ve launched a renewed #ProsecuteThis campaign in light of the conviction to urge the Sonoma County District Attorney to prosecute animal cruelty. Find details on make a post at DxE.io/prosecutethis.

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Done and done! Thank you ❤️

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Wayne, these are some of the most inspiring words I have ever read: "The blow to this movement — and the suffering I will personally endure — will be an opportunity to 'lose forward.' To take the energy and anger from an apparent 'loss' and channel it for greater progress. But to do that, we must learn from our mistakes. "

Sucks that you are in jail, except that it will add intrigue and interest to the memoir we all look forward to. (Between your writing gifts and your story, we expect a best seller!) And also except that the conviction leads to an appeal , which it sounds like you have a darn good shot of winning, which leads to the Right to Rescue becoming part of California Law.

Sending you, and all those involved with this case, such heartfelt appreciation. Bless you all.

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Wayne, I hope you get to read this comment, and appeal this sham trial & resulting verdict, + blatant miscarriage of justice. All the best to you, my brave & compassionate friend. Might you be in solitary for your own protection from REAL criminals? And can you get vegan food? All the best. Aaron

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Wayne, I paused the video you posted in this edition of The Simple Heart to write you. Your words of being caged and denied freedom as similar to the cause for animals that you so passionately defend, was moving. Yet, you are grateful for the brief 30 minutes which is more than a mother pig gets with her babies. I love your words. I am a Peta Vegan Mentor and have used your writings and causes in many of my newsletters to my mentees, as well as shares on my FB page. I do not want you to get discouraged or give up. I am angered by what has happened in this trial, but please reflect on all the other victories you have had while creating awareness for animal suffering in the factory farmed world. I have been a supporter and defender of DxE for a long time. Please take your solitary time for reflection, but not for despair.

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You are SUCH an inspiration to me. And our little animal rights group here in up upstate New York. That you know the law and are willing to put yourself out there and fight the good fight. And, shockingly, get convicted and locked up in solitary when you are on the side of right. I think your trial is like so many of the false cases against black people in this country. Your struggle will someday (hopefully sooner not later) be seen as an obvious miscarriage of justice. I’m glad you’re allowed to write.

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Thank you Wayne for your vision, your courage, your inspiration!

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Wayne - my heart breaks that you have been convicted. You are such an inspiration. I hope there is a way to right this wrong. Thank you for everything you have done and you continue to do.

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I’m so sorry for this outcome. Thankful for all your sacrifices but sorry you have to make them. You are an inspiration.

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What made me tear up - unexpectedly - was your writing on a "clothing receipt."

I know nothing of prison, but from the simple severity of the proscriptions such as the 30 minutes per day of "liberatory time" and the "clothing receipt" (that suggests a reduction of a person to cataloguable component parts), the intention appears to be to dehumanize, "other" and crush the spirit.

I saw you make no forseeable mistakes. We see you as a person.

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Wayne, you are amazing. And you’ve always been an inspiration to me. It’s infuriating that the Sonoma case was so lopsided and unfair. But as you realize, this is just one step on the long road to animal liberation. And your part in it has been, and will continue to be exemplary. Like Kristi said, hang in there…sending light & love! P.S. Examining what went wrong is so crucial and brave of you!

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Your words and insight always touch my soul and I hope you continue sharing your brilliance through your words while you are there. I'm appalled at how unfairly you were treated by the judge and am hopeful your appeal will end differently. Hang in there....sending light and love your way!

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I am grateful to continue to find your words of inspiration here at The Simple Heart. And I hope that the infighting ends and is replaced with an unbreakable bond of solidarity between activists wanting freedom for all species.

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Dear Wayne, I’m so disappointed in the Sonoma County Justice system not letting you fully tell your side of the situation. You are so courageous to put up the good fight against animal cruelty.

May you find strength and comfort from that deep well that nourishes those who fight for Love and Justice. I’m holding you in my thoughts and prayers.

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Wayne & team, I trust an appeal is in the planning now. In support!!

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1, 2, 4.

And the Judge set up trial parameters to help the Prosecution.

I just viewed the Vinod Khosla video - thanks for recommending this.

In today's Press Democrat is an article about how a mobile slaughterhouse owned by 40 private ranchers (24 in Sonoma County) is going out of business - "untrained and unskilled" staff problems, violations and suspensions by the USDA. I made myself read the article. The examples of inhumane treatment and slaughter are so horrifying, I stopped breathing, and continued to read. The "livestock" ranchers "produced $25.4 million worth of cattle, sheep and lambs in 2022"...

This article isn't about the chicken and duck factory farms or the dairy farms, but exemplifies the entrenched life experience of exploitation, abuse and profiting from the lives of animals in Sonoma County. They are not about to support revealing of the truth and the opportunity for people to meet that part of their own awareness. I do wonder about the jurors in your trial. I do agree that objecting might have been beneficial. And bigotry and racism are definitely present in Sonoma County. The outward portrayal of "wine country" and the reality of progressive communities like Healdsburg and Sebastopol and some of Santa Rosa and West County is encouraging, but the political and life influence of the Farm Bureau and Petaluma as central to "animal agriculture" are like thick tall walls to transformation. Very thick and very tall. I hope the appeal is in process and acknowledge you, your colleagues and all supporters for revealing the truth and doing all possible to help. This will make a positive difference.

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I am so sorry for what you are having to go through because you chose to stand up for animals who don’t have a voice in the legal system. I am very inspired by your commitment to your purpose of love and compassion. I send my support from NC.

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