Really appreciate this blog Wayne every blog but this one here is excellent ... .. Thank you for your advocacy! Wishing you and all the defendants all the luck in the world for the upcoming trial!

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Our choices can alter the outcome of the future!

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Acredito que a questão fundamental que impede a evolução moral da espécie humana em sua verdadeira essência é um antropocentrismo impertinente que faz com que tendamos a enxergar a humanidade como pico de uma pirâmide hierárquica, como algo de essencialmente distinto e superior à animalidade, como se fôssemos o legítimo “rei” da natureza. Neste sentido, o humanismo sempre foi a premissa ideológica das sociedades e sempre triunfou, mesmo em contextos históricos em que parecem mais fragilizados e, por isso, esbarra em conceitos simples ou fundamentais como humildade, consciência, inteligência e empatia em relação aos demais seres e /ou ao meio ambiente em si.

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(Comment by Isis Souza, written above, translation to English) I believe that the fundamental question that prevents the moral evolution of the human species in its true essence is an impertinent anthropocentrism that makes us tend to see humanity as the peak of a hierarchical pyramid, as something essentially different from and superior to animality, as if we were the rightful “king” of nature. In this sense, humanism has always been the ideological premise of societies and has always triumphed, even in historical contexts in which they seem more fragile and, therefore, collides with simple or fundamental concepts such as humility, conscience, intelligence and empathy in relation to other beings and /or the environment itself.

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Join the Open Rescue Advocates Meeting on Sunday, July 27th! If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, in-person attendance is preferred & everyone not in the area can join by Zoom. See the event description to find out how to become an Open Rescue Advocate.



Hosted by The Simple Heart Initiative.

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Very well said! I hope the courts and public opinion continue to support the needed rescue of all sentient beings in torturous factor farms. If not they are destroyers of life!!

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