Oct 30, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne, I am always heartened by your ability to have gratitude for adversaries, especially those trying to incarcerate you. You and so many people in the animal rights movement remind me that even when things are difficult and sad, we can keep going because we are fighting for justice together.

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne is a genius. I've been donating during the years he was with DxE and now at 85, my income is very limited. I'll forward the news and be a champion of Wayne's and Simple Heart, until I can give tangibly again. Love, Syd Most on FB -- 50 years vegan/clean and sober!

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I am moved by the wisdom here, especially the gratitude for those who oppose you and thereby give you the opportunity to speak more strongly for animals, whether via appeal or from prison (or both) than you would have without their efforts. I hope you can be just a smidgeon as grateful for the opportunity to do what you are doing as we are grateful to you for your willingness to do it.

As always, your courage floors me.

You are an inspiration.

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Oct 29, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Hoping for your freedom and your continued work in our needy world. All living things just want and NEED to be loved. Many blessings, Wayne.

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Hoping for a verdict that will not incarcerate you and hoping that this whole situation will help people who are not animal advocates make different choices that will help them realize the truth about animal cruelty and suffering.

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

And the truth about animal's deep value to us and the planet.

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Absolutely the animals are with us not for us.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne you are in my thoughts.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

I remain in awe of your work and dedication, Wayne. We'll all be pulling for you tomorrow. Thanks for everything you do.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Omg, Wayne, you have such great empathy, compassion, clarity, and depth of thought and feeling. Your blog posts are masterpieces of communication, fostering love, forgiveness, and a reverence for all life. Thank you for your courage, fortitude, and heart through the entire trial. Thank you for helping me stay out of judgment and in alignment with my core values--peace to all beings and we have already won. Much Love and many blessings to you. Stay strong. 🐔🐷🦆🐮

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

I met many DXE members outside the courtroom; I have infinite admiration and respect for everyone. You are the best of humanity.

“Compassion hurts. When you feel connected to everything, you also feel responsible for everything. And you cannot turn away. Your destiny is bound with the destinies of others. You must either learn to carry the Universe or be crushed by it. You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors.”

― Andrew Boyd, Daily Afflictions: The Agony of Being Connected to Everything in the Universe

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Beautiful, thanks for sharing 🙏

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with you Wayne sending all the love, light and positive vibes here from Texas. .... Stay well and keep hope alive!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Thank you for the courageous, empathetic work you're doing, Wayne. I am inspired by your dedication to the cause of animals subjected to the misery of factory farms. I'm a lawyer and would like to volunteer my services, if you need additional legal help. Thank you again for your idealism and compassion.

David Holloway (dlit@comcast.net)

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Yours and DXE’s relentless and coordinated pursuit towards gaining freedom for all beings has been the most hopeful and inspiring strategy that anyone can witness. I hope that we can apply that same strategy here in Miami to close Cabrera Slaughterhouse and Graham Dairy. I am beyond grateful to you and all the others. 💜☮️

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

I share the sentiments of all the prior commenters. It blew me away (and had me in tears) to receive your post; so eloquent, beautiful and inspiring - in spite of everything going on with you right now (not to mention, utter exhaustion). I don’t know how you do it!

I can never thank you enough for all that you do, have done, and will continue to do...for the animals and for justice. You’re a treasure, Wayne, and we’re all behind you!!! 💌

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

My friend isn’t on Substack, but expressed the following:

“That was such a great read!

Really brilliant in his writing and his outlook on the situation is so well thought out.

I hope his message gets spread even through the difficult situation he's in. It's unfortunate to have such a heightened moral perspective in the inhumane climate that we're in. If the judge can see through the bull he can hopefully get a lighter sentence, if there is one.

Sending him my best, thanks for sharing!”

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Right you are. It's so important to recognize the value of the opposing forces in our world and in our lives and what they represent and afford us in terms of opportunity for growth and transformation. Unearned suffering is a most unusual experience. It is very powerful and transformative if it doesn't crush one beyond repair. I believe that whatever the outcome of this trial needs to be for the animals is what it will be. If for some reason you do end up incarcerated here in Sonoma County, you can count on me for support and visitation. Wishing you and the animals the best outcome for them since I know they are the only reason you're doing any of this. See you tomorrow at the court house. : )

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung


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Thank you Wayne. This is a long term win, no matter what the short term outcomes because you're teaching a new generation of activism based on compassion, not moral outrage. That includes compassion for your "enemy". Your honorable work is catchy.

I am awaiting a tribunal date myself, fighting against the injust policies of my former employer. But I do so now with compassion, not malice. It really does keep you stronger, in order to stay in the fight with a clear head and an open heart.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Best of luck to you!

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne - I am absolutely moved by your cause. I am subscribing today because every little bit helps!

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