I love that you are pro se and that those jurors get to see an intelligent compassionate man stand before them—and KNOW in their heads that jail is not congruent to the heartfelt decision you made that day to help a life.

The movement wins if you go to jail, but I don’t want that still and don’t believe it’s a must. I am sad to hear of the prosecution’s lack of cross examination and that the second half of the trial went fast —

I hope those jurors think long and hard about how standing up for a LIFE can result in the cruel disregard and throwing away of ANOTHER life and how unjust that is. Our system is exposed with every minute they get to hear your educated, and compassionate defense. I pray their decision will weigh on them and that they have a moment of clarity that allows them to see the action does not fit the consequence.

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You did wonderful work, as always, for equality and compassion for all beings. The words you spoke at this trial will resonate through time, and no matter what the outcome of the trial, you will continue to make a genuine difference in the world moving forward in how it regards and treats animals and other beings. I can never thank you enough for all you have done, and I wish you love and joy and more work well done.

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Thank you, Wayne. Your work is a blessing to innocent non-human animals.

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It appears you made some headway for your right to rescue, Wayne, whether you win or lose, but I bet you'll be returning home real soon!

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Thinking of you fondly. I pray you will get released. Jail is no place for the good and kind.

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Good luck, brother. Thanks for helping animals.

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Standing with you Wayne. And you are right - any way we look at it - we win.

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Also, can we get an automatic appeal because this judge shut down your opening statement?!!

Or was it done because the ag gag law was instituted because you used inadmissible evidence in your opening statement, such as, “…. What I WAS going to show you was…”

Very interested and feel you should get a new trial, which would keep this movement in the spot light longer..? Thoughts?

Love you very much Wayne, thinking of you and Lisa— and your sacrifice every day.

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Wishing you all the luck in the world 🙏🏼

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