What a wonderful writer you are!! Write a book! For the animals! I think a book could do more to help the plight of farm animals. Book tours. TV appearances. Etc etc. And the novel could / should be prescriptive in nature-- not just detailing man's abuse of animals but give average people a means to help alter this path we are on ...a huge undertaking, but one that would do much for animals You could have a chapter on the Smithfield Farms - and chapters on rescues ..and at the end give hope for change, You could actually do a proposal and send it out to some literary agents ..I can think of a few off the top of my head who would love this idea...but strike while the iron is HOT -- on the heels of the recent Smithfield Farms verdict. Your bio is great --lawyer, activist, head of an animal rights movement and more -- I do hope you do this

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I could not agree more with you Margaret. I've been thinking the same thing. Wayne, do it! Seriously, the world is ready for it. It's that story telling component that you've been talking about. I know people who I could give it to who would read it, but would most likely not read your blog if I shared it with them. Not to mention, it would be so great to have your stories and points in a book form as something to have and read over and over again, pass from one generation to the next.

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Hey Wayne - Great article. You are one of the few AR activists that looks at the big picture and how it applies to everyday life. Amazing.

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This is excellent Wayne. The way you've articulated such a complex concept is impressive and I agree with Margaret that you should write a book. I've been meaning to say that, esp now that the podcasts are going away. It's not just their flesh that's being ground up for currency. It's their joy, their happiness, freedom, and all the pleasant emotions and physical sensations we're wired to experience and meant to have.

What thieves...

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Programming us, no critical thinking or challenges to the status quo is allowed, its ubiquity is everywhere yet subtle.

Reminds me of the movie The Matrix.

Thanks Wayne for this eye-opening( literally) piece.

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That was a very interesting albeit daunting read.

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Merry Christmas Beautiful Animals Everywhere!

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Another comment...there's a synergy between what you wrote and something Ukranian President Zelensky said to our joint session of Congress today. "The Russians will stand a chance to be free only when they defeat the Kremlin in their minds". I think this speaks to the same programming to which you refered, which is driven by 'corporate kleptocracy (love that term), and must be acknowledged and overcome. Harder than it sounds, but possible.

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excellent one Wayne ... true but scary for sure

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Wayne, where and when will you be teaching in NJ or in and around NYC? I'd love to hear you and find out what I can do.

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(From Wayne's team) Sorry, the event on December 30th has been canceled and might be rescheduled.

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(From Wayne's team) Wayne will be at this event hosted by World Vegan Vision in Jersey City, NJ on December 30th:


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i particularly enjoyed this post. thanks Wayne

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The richest people in the world are there because of corporate tactics. You can't legislate morality, but perhaps there is some way to corporatize kindness ?

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that's why Eden, that is veganism, is the best mode of life for modern humans. no work for humans, no slaughter for other species.

after the vegan sanctuary ended, harder work was one of the curses, it's all connected...

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Check Anna Sale on youtube from last year, Amanpour and Company, 16:56. Host of an NPR podcast, she says let's talk about the hard things, such as sex, death and money. It's a 'take-all economy' we're in, and a system which should perhaps be 'tweaked.' Money is oxygen and to get it as a sex worker, you might spend time convincing yourself of the 'transactional' nature of the business you're in, i.e., running away from what's really going on that's determining your life. I don't know, but it's like hard minds being expressed with gentle voices and reassuring expressions, psychotically, and like you said, money is the be all and end all, except that it's got in Pandora Papers fashion by dictators driving the world to nuclear annihilation.

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I think we should be grateful for sex workers. Without them can you imagine how rape and assaults would escalate ?

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Your writing reminds me of <Artificial Intelligence and the Meeting of Life> written by Richard David Precht. I enjoyed reading your writing today. Thank you.

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Never heard it put this way as you beautifully articulated in this podcast. I know many corporations are greedy but this takes it to a different level! Very frightening for sure and very sad! Corporate greed is not only dangerous to innocent animals but also for innocent humans. Yes, write that book!

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Excellent insight!

Corporations are (not) people, as someone (Mitt Romney) once famously claimed - They are indeed a form of A.I.

And people put blinders on and serve and support them in all their exploitation endeavours. They are our A.I. masters, and we are their compliant servants.

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