Feb 20Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Being anti-Zionist has absolutely nothing to do with antisemitism. Not all Zionists are Jews and not all Jews are Zionists! Fact. Biden has even said on camera, a few years ago, that he is a Zionist! The Zionist government of Israel has been working long and hard to equate anti-Zionism with antisemitism. Don't fall for the propaganda. There are many thousands of Jews who are anti-Zionists!

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Agree completely that one can oppose Zionism and not be anti-semitic. At the same time, I also think the opposition to Zionism has, at times, become so rabid that it clearly has crossed the line. That must be resisted -- for the people of Gaza, if nothing else.

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You do know what Zionism actually means, don't you? Or have you bothered looking it up at all? It means believing in the right of Israel to exist. Anyone who doesn't, joins the likes of Hamass, Hitler, etc. You do also know that the founding charter of Hamass calls for the annihilation of Israel and the slaughter of every Jew, do you not? Be very very careful of jumping on the latest TikTok trend blindly without realizing what you are advocating for. Lest you become the evil you think you are standing against.

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Your definition of Zionism is inaccurate. Zionism is the ideology that Jews have been told by "God" that the lands defined by "biblical" mythology are for Jews and Jews only and everyone else must be eradicated, one way or the other. It is a racially bigoted ideology that views non Jews as inferior. Many Jews think it is a garbage ideology. The Hamas charter has been changed long ago and no longer has the language you claim. Who is killing TENS OF THOUSANDS of unarmed civilians? Israel. Any government that claims murdering THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN as "defending themselves" shows their own barbarism. CHILDREN? Really? Do you know the history of the brutal apartheid treatment of the Palestinians? This has been going on for 50 years or more! Israeli settlements have been repeatedly declared, by the UN and most of the world (except by Israel, the US & UK) ILLEGAL colonialism of Palestinian land. But your fanatical Zionist views are exposed when you claim that Israel's "right to exist" includes the right to slaughter CHILDREN and if anyone disagrees then you call them Nazis. That is such a cheap pathetic and STALE pile of barbaric garbage that was also used by the 3rd Reich! (Oh, what is TikTok? Bwaahaahaa!)

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FYI, here is the Webster definition of Hamas, which is also the definition of every source except the made up ones that you think exist but actually do not:



Zi·​on·​ism ˈzī-ə-ˌni-zəm

: an international movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel."

And, by stating that the Hamass charter "no longer has the language," are you truly so very lame as to believe that any of the beliefs have changed since their original charter? LOL! October 7 was proof that they still call for the slaughter of every Jew "behind every rock and tree where he hides." They have loudly and proudly proclaimed that they will repeat October 7 innumerable times if given the chance. And you believe they should be given this chance, clearly. Here are the facts about the cosmetic change of the charter:

"Hamas is to unveil a new version of its controversial founding charter, which called for the destruction of Israel, in a bid to ease its international isolation, party officials said.

In a sop to hardliners within the movement, the original 1988 charter will not be dropped, just supplemented, and there will be no recognition of Israel, as demanded by the international community.

But hardliner Mahmud Zahar insisted there would be no change in the party's commitment to armed resistance against Israel, which has put it on the terror blacklists of the European Union and the United States.

He said the new document was "a tool for the future but it does not mean we're changing our principles".

So, to be clear: you support the actions of October 7 (have you seen the video that Hamass gleefully filmed while perpetuation their slaughter on that day? Have you seen where one of them calls his parents to proudly boast that he murdered several Jews with his own bare hands and they would be "so proud of him?"), and support them being repeated innumerable times; you do not support the right of Israel to exist; you believe Hamass, Osama Bin Laden, Hezbollah, Isis, Hitler, are all freedom fighters? Just wanted to make sure I have it all right. Because that is what you are saying, in no uncertain terms.

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Simple solution to the entire issue: ISRAEL GET OUT OF PALESTINE. It is NOT Israel's to occupy. The Israelis are the INVADERS! By slaughtering nearly 30,000 unarmed civilians, including thousands of CHILDREN, Israel Zionists have revealed to the world what their agenda is and the level of depravity they have sunk to. Prior to October 7th Israel has killed or wounded many hundreds of unarmed Palestinians regularly in what they actually call "Mowing the grass"!!!

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Thank you for confirming the terrorists you support. Take a look at the October 7 footage they filmed so gleefully and promoted throughout the world as their greatest achievement. And then ask yourself if this is really who you think are great freedom fighters.

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Under international LAW any... ANY occupied population has the RIGHT and obligation to resist the occupation with any means necessary. If for 70 years Israel had not been stealing and occupying Palestine, while subjugating and murdering the Palestinians, then none of this would have happened. Everyone knows that Israel is an apartheid terrorist state that ignores all international laws. What did they think would happen? Retaliation was inevitable and they got a taste. They will go the way of apartheid South Africa.

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Feb 20Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Choosing love and compassion is never wrong. It is all realted. People continue to pick sides and justify killing when what the world really needs is caring and compassion. Thanks for speaking out Wayne.

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Right on!

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Feb 21Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Thank you for your articles Wayne. They are inspirational and informative. I’m grateful you exist in this world and you motivate me to take action.

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We can ❤️

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Feb 24Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Thanks for your great work Wayne. I saw your talk via zoom to Melbourne Australia this morning and mentioned a couple of groups who held animals in laboratories. They are Centre for Contemporary Sciences and Americans for Medical Advancement. Oh Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine too. They will be a great asset in stopping animal experiments.



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Feb 21Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne, what you have been doing for animal rights is just wonderful. You are getting this old man revved up to help fight the good fight.

Your exposure of the corruption in Sonoma County was the first significant step to breaking their greedy hold on abusive policies that allow hellscapes like factory farms to exist.

I can, Wayne, I can.

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Feb 20Liked by Wayne Hsiung

#endspeciesism #vegan #govegan #animalrights #animalliberation #veganfortheanimals #veganism #crueltyfree #friendsnotfood #veganlife #animals #plantbased #animallovers #vegancommunity #animalrightsactivist #endanimalexploitation #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #veganmemes #animalcruelty #veganactivist #dairyisscary #animalactivism #speciesism #meatismurder #sentientbeings #animaljustice #compassion #endanimalcruelty #saveanimals

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Thank you, Wayne....for this - again - amazing piece. "I can." Powerful...transformative....actionable. I"ve been absent for a couple of months going through some sorrowful times with one of my heart cats. This was a piece I needed to read.right.now. 💚

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Feb 23Liked by Wayne Hsiung

The bloodcurdling screams of the dogs are hard to listen to and hard to forget even when they are only on a video. How can anyone think it's okay to treat dogs, or any living being, like that? How can anyone ignore their cries of terror? I can and will do something to stop this abuse and help these loving, sentient beings. We can all find some way to help.

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I loved the interview with David Ramms you posted here . Wayne , as always you were your brilliant self , so humble . I'm grateful to David for giving this interview and hoping many thousands would listen and be inspired . You deserve all the love and recognition for fighting for kindness !

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Feb 22Liked by Wayne Hsiung

I am a little late to read this article. I stated it on Tuesday Feb 20th and the videos you mentioned in the article were there. Now it is Thursday Feb 22 and the links to the articles have disappeared. Were these links pulled by you, Wayne. Or by someone else?

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(From Wayne's team) Which links are not working or gone?

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Hey Wayne, I don't intend to get into a debate with you -it would change nothing. But I have to say the following: You're an intelligent man and know the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism well. Of course, there are antisemitic, anti-Zionists but, being fiercely anti-Zionist doesn't make you anti-Semitic, it makes you anti-Israel and anti-Israelism.

The people within the animal rights movement who claim to feel unsafe when they hear calls for a permanent ceasefire and Palestinian liberation don't fear anti-Semitism -the ones who genuinely become fearful are totally brainwashed. They want to silence our condemnation of Israel as a self-proclaimed safe haven for Jews around the world, which, by the way, it isn't, given the mistreatment of anti-Zionist Jews in Israel. If those people feared anti-Semitism, they would be up in arms against white supremacists, who are mostly anti-Semitic but again mostly pro-Israel. They would also defend Palestinians and other Arabs -their Semitic cousins- against bodily harm, psychological intimidation, and loss of job.

And, it's not complicated at all.

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Mixing in your political views with animal issues is not a good idea. There are many people who care about animals who are on both sides of any political issue. As far as Israel defending itself against psychotic murderers who are dedicated to the death of all Jews, I am one hundred percent on the side of Jews and Israel. If the IDF does not root out the last bastion of terror in Gaza then everyone involved will have died for nothing. Hamas will declare victory, will rearm, and will again fulfill their promise to slaughter more Jews. The terrorist regime must be eliminated. The Jews of Israel ignored for decades the fact that Gazans were intent on their destruction. The Jews gave Gazans jobs in Israel. They gave them health care and friendship. But the Jews apparently forgot that in 2006 Gazans voted to oust the Palestinian Authority and chose the Hamas terrorists to lead their government. Israelis never suspected their Gazan friends were bringing back intel from Israel to their Hamas brothers, husbands, and friends. And to be clear, the monsters who invaded Israel did not crawl out from underneath a rock fully formed. The "innocent civilians" who are crying about their dead babies gave birth to and created children who were filled with so much hatred of Jews they were capable of committing unspeakable acts against babies, children, pregnant women and every Jew they came across on October 7th. The horrific slaughter those Gazans wreaked on Israel is beyond comprehension. The "innocent civilians" cheered when the hostages were brought into Gaza. They threw rocks at the Red Cross cars taking them out. The "innocent civilians" took part in the October 7th slaughter and looted the houses where they had worked and been offered friendship and kindness by Jews. The "innocent civilians" can look in the mirror and say "I am responsible for the death and destruction all around me." They and only they bear the guilt of the deaths of their children. They wanted war with Israel and they got it.

Stopping the fight against these monsters is not an option. Only by cleaning out the infrastructure of the terrorists who live to kill Jews will the rockets that have been fired into Israel for decades from Gaza be obliterated. With victory will come peace and a better life in Gaza. Appeasement against the Nazis did not work for Chamberlain before WWII and it will not work with the evil doers in Gaza. "They sowed the wind and have reaped the whirlwind." This was said in Biblical days and repeated by our generals when the Americans went in and obliterated the Nazis. Gazans got exactly what they asked for. Too bad they underestimated the will and courage of the Israelis who, after the holocaust, said "never again," and meant it.

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Israelis have been murdering Palestinians and stealing their land for the last 75 years. For the last 17 years they have kept 2 million Palestinians in the Gaza concentration camp. Israelis apparently think the Palestinians should just lie back and allow themselves to be slaughtered. Genocide of the Palestinians has always been their ultimate goal.

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This started long before October 7th! You are just repeating stale Zionist talking points. Israel's KILLING OF TENS OF THOUSANDS OF TRAPPED UNARMED CIVILIANS is a barbaric war crime. Israel's MURDERING THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN IS NOT "DEFENDING ISRAEL'S RIGHT TO EXIST"!!!

It is an intentional holocaust! Israel is claiming they are "defending" themselves from CHILDREN? No one but the ignorant is buying that crap.

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I want to push back on the wording "It also does not help victims in Gaza, as it has turned the Jewish diaspora against the campaign for peace", as I think it's a very common mischaracterization of the "pro-Israel" position (which is not exclusively limited to the Jewish diaspora).

There is no shortage of lunatics looking to perpetuate conflict, but at a broad scale the dichotomy in this conflict is not between pro-ceasefire and pro-war, but between pro-ceasefire and pro-peace. The "pro-Palestine" camp wants Israel to stop all military activity immediately and largely unilaterally. The "pro-Israel" camp wants the conflict to end in totality, with an explicit, perpetual, and bilateral agreement ending violence between Israel, Gaza, and ideally any future state of Palestine.

The latter option, to me, seems like the only sensible end to the war (and, by definition, the most peaceful one). Ceasefires have been tried countless times before, and evidently have failed to stabilize the conflict. The last ceasefire lasted all of 6 days before Hamas shot up civilians at a Jerusalem bus stop, followed by an Israeli sniper reportedly injuring two in Gaza. At some point, both parties will have to agree they have better things to do than one up each other in negative sum war games.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you. Many times when starting out, my activism has pushed me outside my comfort zone - nowhere near the level of your heroic actions, but still, I was quite terrified - and I wish I had this to read back then. Saying "I can't" is sometimes taking the easy way out. But it's also empowering to know that you can. You're not powerless in the face of injustice. Thank you infinitely for the work that you do, Wayne.

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