Good luck today, Wayne! Thanks for caring for the animals so much. You really are the best person I have ever known. #SmithfieldTrial #RightToRescue #Utah
I’ve been an animal liberation activist for 30 years (france bullfighting, animal factories, and in the us, puppy mills, passing pet store laws in over 200 cities) and I always tell the next generation the same thing: “how many people do you think it took to topple the monarchy in my country. France? How many stormed the bastille? “ It is a surprisingly small number, 978. They risked everything and now the palaces are museums that belong to all of us where we can walk in in our muddy shoes. It was the great change that formed a republic, the change that encouraged revolution in the US. A
small number of revolutionaries. WE ANTI-SPECIESISTS ARE REVOLUTIONARIES and the animal liberation movement is in its cradle right now. As a chronicler of our movement, I can state without doubt that you are making history and each significant event such as the Smithfield trial, accumulates over time as we reach into a more humane future. We are playing a long game. Every social justice cause has had events organized and prepared by visionaries and these events, like the lunch sit-ins during the 60s or the bullfight arena jump-ins we staged in france, all of these law defying, risky and righteous events pave the road ahead. Thank you for playing such an important role. We see you, we support you, we acknowledge your sacrifice.
Best of luck today! You got this! Thank you for all you do for the animals. I’ll be running the Chicago Marathon on Sunday using a Rose’s Law (Support the Right to Rescue) shirt as a banner. Hopefully to bring some awareness. 💚✊🏼
Just finished listening to you live outside the courthouse. What a crazy trial. So much bias from the judge and prosecution. Not a level playing field at all. I hope to god you both get off. You guys seemed much better prepared than the prosecution, and still they got the breaks. Typical. Little man fighting a giant. You are on the right side of history. Reminds me of pre-civil rights times. Loved what you wrote in the last Simple Heart entry - focus on things that really matter. Couldn't agree more. Thanks for all you do. You're a hero.
Coleen, I thought the very same thing as I listened. Good thing I had my microphone off as I kept yelling at my iPad. It is hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that this even went to trial, but even more, that it is a criminal trial! This is insanity! I thought Wayne was brilliant in his closing statement. I also thought how corrupt our judicial system is, where you have such blatant bias, impossible to ignore. So much for an impartial and fair trial! When we have lost the impartiality in out courtrooms, they become useless. We can no longer say that justice is blind.
Yes it makes one lose faith in the justice system when one side can initially buy the verdict. It is too evident in this case. Wayne was brilliant in staying calm through it all. It’s just wrong. It wasn’t a fair trial. What kind of trial doesn’t let you present evidence, and gives you names of the jury on the morning of trial on a first name basis only? I could go on but you get the point.
This whole thing is a sham! I was completely blown away when I heard the FBI was involved! A criminal trial with the FBI involved for rescuing two tiny, sick piglets from a company owned by Communist China! We have no justice in America any longer. The whole thing was a kangaroo court! This was the kind of trial one would expect to see in some third world country. The fix was already in, the “trial” was just for show. The judge and prosecution must be so proud to be bought off so easily.
Our hearts are with you, Wayne and Paul. You're both so admirable. I could never do what you do. I could never keep peaceful while seeing such terror and suffering.. Idk how you all keep your cool like you do. You're an inspiration.
Wayne, thank you again for these words of wisdom from The Simple Heart. Your courage and compassion is beautiful and inspiring. Keeping you and Paul in my thoughts 🙏
🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐 There's a reason I sometimes post 2 and sometimes 11. One day I'll share that. You're HERD strong. The hooved and the horned always with you!!!
Thinking of you both and wishing you the best possible outcome. You’ve inspired and expanded the consciousness of so many of us. We’re in this for the long haul, together, and have only begun. Thank you.
Good luck today, Wayne! Thanks for caring for the animals so much. You really are the best person I have ever known. #SmithfieldTrial #RightToRescue #Utah
I’ve been an animal liberation activist for 30 years (france bullfighting, animal factories, and in the us, puppy mills, passing pet store laws in over 200 cities) and I always tell the next generation the same thing: “how many people do you think it took to topple the monarchy in my country. France? How many stormed the bastille? “ It is a surprisingly small number, 978. They risked everything and now the palaces are museums that belong to all of us where we can walk in in our muddy shoes. It was the great change that formed a republic, the change that encouraged revolution in the US. A
small number of revolutionaries. WE ANTI-SPECIESISTS ARE REVOLUTIONARIES and the animal liberation movement is in its cradle right now. As a chronicler of our movement, I can state without doubt that you are making history and each significant event such as the Smithfield trial, accumulates over time as we reach into a more humane future. We are playing a long game. Every social justice cause has had events organized and prepared by visionaries and these events, like the lunch sit-ins during the 60s or the bullfight arena jump-ins we staged in france, all of these law defying, risky and righteous events pave the road ahead. Thank you for playing such an important role. We see you, we support you, we acknowledge your sacrifice.
All my support. Love is powerful indeed. Thank you for all you do! The world we want to see is in the making. Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Best of luck today! You got this! Thank you for all you do for the animals. I’ll be running the Chicago Marathon on Sunday using a Rose’s Law (Support the Right to Rescue) shirt as a banner. Hopefully to bring some awareness. 💚✊🏼
Your courage and compassion are astounding. Thank you for everything you've done and will continue to do in the name of animal welfare and rights.
Just finished listening to you live outside the courthouse. What a crazy trial. So much bias from the judge and prosecution. Not a level playing field at all. I hope to god you both get off. You guys seemed much better prepared than the prosecution, and still they got the breaks. Typical. Little man fighting a giant. You are on the right side of history. Reminds me of pre-civil rights times. Loved what you wrote in the last Simple Heart entry - focus on things that really matter. Couldn't agree more. Thanks for all you do. You're a hero.
Coleen, I thought the very same thing as I listened. Good thing I had my microphone off as I kept yelling at my iPad. It is hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that this even went to trial, but even more, that it is a criminal trial! This is insanity! I thought Wayne was brilliant in his closing statement. I also thought how corrupt our judicial system is, where you have such blatant bias, impossible to ignore. So much for an impartial and fair trial! When we have lost the impartiality in out courtrooms, they become useless. We can no longer say that justice is blind.
Yes it makes one lose faith in the justice system when one side can initially buy the verdict. It is too evident in this case. Wayne was brilliant in staying calm through it all. It’s just wrong. It wasn’t a fair trial. What kind of trial doesn’t let you present evidence, and gives you names of the jury on the morning of trial on a first name basis only? I could go on but you get the point.
This whole thing is a sham! I was completely blown away when I heard the FBI was involved! A criminal trial with the FBI involved for rescuing two tiny, sick piglets from a company owned by Communist China! We have no justice in America any longer. The whole thing was a kangaroo court! This was the kind of trial one would expect to see in some third world country. The fix was already in, the “trial” was just for show. The judge and prosecution must be so proud to be bought off so easily.
I hope the jurors see through this and delivers the verdict in your favor. I wish you all the best with today’s closing statements.🙏🏻
You are a beacon of hope Wayne. You are in my thoughts and I greatly hope you win your case.
Our hearts are with you, Wayne and Paul. You're both so admirable. I could never do what you do. I could never keep peaceful while seeing such terror and suffering.. Idk how you all keep your cool like you do. You're an inspiration.
Wayne, thank you again for these words of wisdom from The Simple Heart. Your courage and compassion is beautiful and inspiring. Keeping you and Paul in my thoughts 🙏
Sincerely grateful that the animals have your voice. Thanks for inspiring all of us.
Thank you for your shared wisdom and for all your work. I admire you and send you tons of good vibes and love!!!💚🌈🐔🌱🐷
Best wishes to you both ✌🏼💪🏼🙏🏽
🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐 There's a reason I sometimes post 2 and sometimes 11. One day I'll share that. You're HERD strong. The hooved and the horned always with you!!!
Thinking of you both and wishing you the best possible outcome. You’ve inspired and expanded the consciousness of so many of us. We’re in this for the long haul, together, and have only begun. Thank you.
Thank you for your bravery. I look up to you so much. Every day when I get home from school I watch the trial. Sending love and support :)