Excellent idea for the special prosecutor. (It makes such a difference that you understand the law.) Carry on!

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Let's hope it works!

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"And, on April 18, that movement will face its next challenge. People across the country, from veterinarians to celebrities to former prosecutors, will be joining our call for a special prosecutor to be appointed." - I want to join that "call" - how do i participate? This is brilliant. If successful i hope Sonoma County will be next. We may have someone to work with here. A citizen already taking action against the DA for not stopping a citizen from ongoing animal abuse. And YES to a YouTube channel!!!!!!!!!!!!

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(From Wayne's team) Thank you for asking! Share this blog and/or post about the Ridglan case on April 18th. To get more involved, fill out the form at simpleheart.org/signup. Also, please contact universities across the US and other institutions around the world that have been buying dogs from Ridglan Farms and ask them to #DropRidglanFarms. Find details at DxE.io/dropridglanfarms.

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Thanks, I'm already signed up for the Simple Heart, and I have shared, but I thought maybe there was a specific action taking place on the 18th. That's how the message read. I'll check out the details at that link you shared so I know who to contact. Thank you!

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Those laws need to be enforced. Thanks for posting, and for caring, Wayne.

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You are a true saint for these poor sentient beings. My prayers are with you and may you have justice!❤️

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Thank you Wayne for all the incredible work you are doing for animals. Jim in Ireland

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Good for going forward with a special prosecutor: Ridglan Farms (and the beagles) will get the public attention they so desperately deserve.

Most people (I've talked to) did not know that dogs were farmed in the U.S. or that they were still used in experiments.

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We all know the corruption, ignorance, and horror of the country we live in today.,To those who murder and eat another species I am offering a healthy alternative. It is called a LIQUID MEAL. I have been living on a LIQUID Diet for years.What is a Liquid DIET it is a tasty meal in a container. This is what would change if we were on liquid meals worldwide. There would be no more starving children and poor people. No more torture of other species along with Factory Farm run off killing the oceans. Less dumping of medical and package waste killing us.

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We have thousands of treats and quick fixes like chips and the like, but are not evolved from the cave. So we continue to torture factory farm and eat other species. Do you think that will stop? So what is needed is an alternative as I mentioned above a meal in a container. Humans will eat and not think about what they eat how what other species suffer or have 29 sick unnatural chemicals in what we eat . Never will one be able to turn a living species into a machine never it is against nature. A wise company will give us this healthy meal in a container if they have an evolved mind AN ALTERNATIVE to the sick evil cruel way we eat other species is the only solution or parish.

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Brilliant! I’m hopeful that the judge will see the need for this.

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"One of the greatest misconceptions in animal rights is that we need to change laws to protect animals from abuse. In fact, the vast majority of suffering animals are already protected. It’s just that no one is enforcing the law." SUCH a good point!

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It makes perfect sense to me. If you did get the law changed, you'd almost be right back where you started with a law that's not enforced. If you fight to get the law enforced, you can then work to change a law that has a better shot at being enforced. One step at a time.

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Exactly, words of law on a document will not liberate. It must be rescue.

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SADLY America is a peddlers country without morals or ethics. A country where most everyone is trying to peddle something to you. I would not call any country civilized unless it had morals and ethics along with a lobbyist that could be bought for their special interest.

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I have heard it said that since 9-11 that everyone in America is looked at as terrorist except the real terrorist. There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent animals. Until we stop eating other species we are the terrorist.

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Incredible work

Been following this for a while.

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Yes and yes! This is thinking outside the box. We wish you and all animal rescuers success! We moved to a farm and are only eating local, sustainable foods. Please support the work of Wayne and remove yourself from the industrial food system as much a you can.

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Never forget those who went before us the most civilized in a country of total darkness and evil but the law of nature speaks that nothing stays the same and never will so this time is the time we will live to see before we Parrish in the 2 hour.

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