Thank you for all you do for the animals. The awakening is happening. The revolution has begun. We will never stop working for peace and justice for all beings. We are unstoppable. Bless you, Wayne... <3

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Kudos to those who rescue animals from the torture of factory farms and inhumane slaughter.

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Amazing work!!

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earlier today I was scrolling through some videos from PBS and was struck by the number of cooking videos, many celebrating "regional" cooking, which means barbecues and so on, and all completely oblivious of the suffering of animals on factory farms. It's like the producers of these shows are living in a completely different world from you and me.

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The propaganda machine works amazingly well, as we have witnessed during the recent pandemic to justify lockdowns. I'm grateful there are people waking up and people like Wayne who have some solutions to the problems we face.

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I support #openrescue #RighttoRescue

Animal Rights now

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Peter singer isn’t a vegan . . .

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