Wayne - your focus and strength are paying off for so many. Ever with this whole situation I keep coming back to Dr. Martin Luther King's words "No lie can live forever". The primordial bond you speak of will never be broken - even when it seems as if it has been shattered by delusional people within a delusional system (they're experts at getting many to believe and accept the most extreme absurdities). Truth can never be destroyed. All of those friends you are forbidden to be in communion with - and countless others who have never even met you - are standing with you fully. There is no separation - and as you say - within our hearts, the truth is alive and the determination to express this truth is growing stronger. I'll be there in true spirit form on Dec. 9. All is well. Thank you Wayne.

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Please appeal the judges decision regarding the no contact order!

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Ok wait...this is...the most LUDICROUS, ASININE, INSANE THING I HAVE EVER READ!!!!!! You are not allowed contact with your attorney?!?! This will never, ever stand up in a court of law. You must appeal this, as I am certain you are going to do. There is no question that you (we) will win in the end, and that everything will be ok in the end. As they wrote so aptly in some movie, "it will all be ok in the end. if it's not OK, it's not the end." It's just a matter of surviving in the meanwhile in a world turned upside down in so many ways. You have more than a village supporting you, you all do, you have an entire universe of so many people from so many walks of life and places in the world. Please don't ever give up, we love you and need you too much!!! You will be free in the blink of an eye, and then you can take your time to figure out your next steps. We will all be here beside you all the way.

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You and Oliver will be together very soon ♥️♥️♥️

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You continue to inspire with deeper meanings.

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A growing movement of caring people waking up to the harm we perpetrate on sentient beings cannot be stopped by hurting individuals within it. Or at all.

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I don't understand the American legal system, is justice left to the whim of one pervert? Is there no appeal? Review? Revision?

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Is there anything, legally, to stop the “no contact” with your friends? I cannot believe that this is legal!!! DXE is not a violent, armed gang!!! You don’t harm, threaten, injure, steal, defraud or kill!!! It’s bad enough that you were imprisoned but the no contact must be illegal surely? X

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I am very sad about the fact you can’t associate with your closest friends! Take great care.

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As an adoptee who lost their entire family, including my father, a single Holocaust survivor, at birth I deeply empathize.

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I don’t see how it can be legal to bar you from association with these people unless they have been convicted of crimes

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Stay strong, Wayne. U r needed.

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I can’t fathom the decision by this judge!! I’ve never heard of such a thing- it’s plain WRONG! It’s just ...WRONG!!

Much love 💕 to you Wayne and all your 200”co-conspirators” for justice and love for animals.

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I'm so happy you are getting released so soon! I'm so sorry you got the no contact order..

I believe we live in a corrupt system. Corrupted by the negative part of the ego in people. And i think they feel they are right or wrong, that makes you right or wrong. The ego thinks in one versus the other. Giving the other is defeat for oneself.. They obviously have not yet experienced the bliss of superseeding that ego and it's right and wrong to find a way for all envolved to be content. Till that time those with ego in power will do whatever, to get that what's wrong in their idea surpressed to survive in their own ego idea. It's horrible, sad, unjust and just plain madness, but well here we all are at the worldwide mercy of people's ego's everywhere. It's very egological. You are now a fellon and thus treated as such and no contact with people who might inspire you to do this again, as if the horror done to animals isn't enough inspiration for all of us as individuals. The real injustice, those unconscious egos treating those animals like that, the people that lost contact to their heart for whatever sad reason, stuck in their ego gulping up whatever fits their egoic need of that moment. Litteraly going over dead bodies to get there. Again all very egological. You indeed are like an animal that might be freed from it's cage (resqued) but it did loose all it's kin and friends to slaughter.. That seperation must be horrible.. Thankfully yours is temporary. Let's hope they dropp that rediculous order soon.. hang in there!! There are ALWAYS ways (loopholes in the ego rules) for love to express itself 😉.. This to shall pass.. In the grand scheme they have dished out their own punishment. Karma and all that.. Big supporting hug from Friesland ❤️🙏🏻✌🏻

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I did not realize that you might be released from jail this Saturday. i am so happy to know you will be out of there. However, after reading the last of your post I wanted to cry at the thought of you being seperated from your dear friends. I would like very much to go on a rant right now about the vindictive biased judge who passed such an incomprehensible sentence on you. But I'll spare you (you can thank me later}. Your friends will still be there Wayne. And how can this judge keep you from contact with your lawyer? Argghhh it makes me so mad!!! Alright. Love you Wayne.

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These two "farms" are now left with the owners and worker killers with themselves with no birds to abuse (bless the souls of the ducks and chickens). Left with them-selves. That must be a difficult situation for people in denial and regularly neglecting, exploiting and killing. The DA, Sheriff, Judge will continue to ignore evidence. They must believe trying to dominate you and trying to disconnect you from beloved friends and trusted colleagues will result in people's eyes and awareness closing and going dull. I'm so pleased you'll be able to be with Oliver again soon. Thank you for your writings while you have been in jail. Please take care, moment by moment.

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