Great conversation and blog. #TheSimpleHeart #TheSanctuaryInitiative #EverybodyWayneHsiungTonight #SmithfieldTrial #RightToRescue

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So touching and beautiful Wayne. With you in spirit, we have hope (and love). Margaux

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Thank you so much for yet another wonderful story and important lesson, Wayne! I’ve really been enjoying reading all of them. Thank you for your courage and compassion.

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Stay strong. As you face the machine that wants to silence you, you are not alone.

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What a great story filled with love and hope!

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Woke up this morning to your post and pretty much wept through it all. So touched by your huge compassion and great heart. By your actions, the world is awakening. So many thanks, deep and heartfelt!

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very very emotional episode

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Courage to all of us, particularly to those like you Wayne, who are on the front to move the lines. My prayers to you at this peculiar moment in time. Love and compassion will prevail.

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I will be watching the trial on the webex, Wayne. Thank you for taking the time to share.

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You are in my thoughts Wayne. I am truly hoping for the best possible outcome for you.

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I wish allll the good people in alllll the countries on this planet demand a "SAME SAME...SHAME SHAME" Law...!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼😱😭😢😰

We NEED a UNIVERSAL Law against children and animal abuse- NOW...!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡❤️


Everyone who wants to bring a pet home has to be screened for their physical, mental, emotional and financial ability to be a responsible pet parent. They are not things to be purchased or owned…!!😡


yes …there has to be long list of rules like for adoption of human babies…

My personal opinion is the person getting a pet has to have a steady job for 2 years and legal taxable income…if you cannot afford it you cannot have a pet.

No alcoholic or drug addicts …if they don’t care for their own self they won’t care for the fur babies to need to eat , pee and poo on schedule and not only the owners are awake and sober.

They need to have a steady lease rental home or own a house… the owners have to be healthy in mind , body & spirit.

No senior elders who are themselves care dependent cannot have them just for company and the furbabies get neglected..unless their family members take responsibility and accountability for the welll being of the innocent dependent creatures….🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼😢😭

We want to see every abuser publicly punished and both parents and related family whether they are together or not need to be physically present, when then punishment is meted out...we need to see the follow up on this...showing us thpeir evil ugly faces on social media will help some the entire community know who these people are and we can ban them from society interaction...their own entire family has to ban them out of their lives😡😱😭😢🤬 🤢


The toughest punishment for every one of them😡😡.....NO to poaching...or hurting them for sport….trophy hunting or abuse...throw them out on an an island to fend for themselves...😡😡surrounded by an electrified fence...😡😡let them grow their own food ....😡😡no roof....😡😡no support with taxpayers money...

😡😡NO Bail...for torture and animal abuse. 😡😡Take away allll the rights of those evil and cruel people...sterilize them 😡😡so evil does not breed further...!

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Cool info and great advice! The subject of "social deviancy" and the whole nature vs. nurture thing is fascinating. I believe there has yet to be any kind of consensus as to which is more of a determining factor in a person's state of being or outcome. As we all know, the human mind is a place of infinite complexity. As Shakespeare said "to thy own self be true", but it seems for many it is extremely difficult or even scary to engage in any kind of deep intro/extrospective thought. The chaos, clamor, and constant bombardment of needing to fulfill superficial obligations at a break-neck pace just in order to survive doesn't really leave room or time for many to mentally collect and assess or form a uniquely personal perspective or critique. For those who are able to do so, the firewall of societal norms inhibits the free expression of opinion or thought out of fear of rejection or punishment. It is also amazing to me as to how impressionable humans are and how easy it is for people to engage in a lock-step lifestyle governed by groupthink, which I think can be attributed to personal insecurity, fear, and perhaps lack of imagination and the absence of insight. I guess it should be noted that there is an abundance of folks that live in lock-step for reasons of greed. People know that they are causing great harm or contributing to harmful or even evil activities but choose to shamefully look away, live in constant defense of what they know is wrong, and double down when confronted as a way to self justify the contortions of their conscience. I would akin greed to that of a diseased mind much like that of addiction, therefore rehabilitation is possible given the right environment and approach.

We can help manifest and maintain an environment of mindfulness and consideration by being the society that we want to see to the utmost degree to the best of our ability. A willingness to adhere to supportive human feeling and universal wellbeing rather than a both abstract and tangible decree of enabling, facilitating, and supporting greed.

I have seen (and live with) some of the most savagely abused and neglected cats hell bent on self protection and preservation mellow out, come out of their shells, and become relaxed secure individuals thanks to patience, understanding, and straight-up love. They may cut you to ribbons at first, but over time the light will shine!

As always, much love & mad respect!

A shout-out to those with severe PTSD, both human & non-human alike!

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Great story that has impact globally

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Hope you get a good result this next time round - not a crime - one of compassion - and trust the good folk of USA will recognise this

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:(((((( Priya's speech was everything. I am sending you my positive thoughts and prayers. <3<3<3<3

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You are extraordinary, Wayne. You are a hero and an example of what real courage and virtue look like.

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