The Goat Trial on Democracy Now
NOTE: I’m writing every day in memory of Lisa, who died on October 13.
One of the many powerful things about going to trial is the attention the courtroom drama can bring to an issue. That has proven true in the case of the case in Transylvania County. We’ve seen pieces written in The Intercept, The Guardian, and a live broadcast on Democracy Now, too.
This was my second time talking to Amy Goodman live on animal rights issues. The first time was in direct response to the mass prosecution of activists in Sonoma County. Attention isn’t the goal in and of itself. Attention only helps us to the extent it earns us sustained support and mobilization.
But it doesn’t hurt.
And while I didn’t do my best job with this interview — it’s so hard to convey a point in this format — I think I still got the most important points across.
Let me know what you think!