(From Wayne's team) If you want to write a letter to Wayne, find the criteria for writing letters to him while he is in jail at DxE.io/writetowayne. Remember that letters in jail are not private. You can share personal stuff, but should not share private information. And please don't ask for legal advice.


If you missed DxE's Friday Post-Verdict Action Team Call on Zoom, it was recorded. Watch it here:



If you missed DxE's Saturday Meetup, you can watch the livestream of it on Facebook. There are news updates and a panel with Almira Tanner, Zoe Rosenberg, Conrad de Jesus, Mirais Holden, and Priya Sawhney. They talk about the Sonoma Rescue Trial verdict, helping Wayne, and elevating the Right To Rescue.


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(From Wayne's team): Jail won't stop Wayne from speaking for the animals. It’s up to each of us to keep fighting, too. Stay tuned for updates!

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My heart is breaking, and yet I’m so proud to be a part of this movement. Wayne is a hero.

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Perfectly said. 💔

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Stay strong Wayne! We support you.

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I am so sorry to hear that the court has convicted you. Our society is so backwards. We preach humanity and for the caring of others, but are sanctioned and punished when we do just that. You did a kind act ... not an unkind one, and are punished. This is just wrong.

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We obviously, preach abuse is in, and kindness is out.

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That's the problem, "humanity." Never forget that "humanity" is a double-edged blade. The Court sees one (rationality) and we see another (compassion). Being both more systematically brutal than chimps and more empathic than bonobos, we are by far the most bipolar ape. Our societies are never completely peaceful, never completely competitive, never ruled by sheer selfishness, and never perfectly moral. — Frans de Waal

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Wayne you are a true leader, a champion, a warrior, a teacher. Your efforts and sacrifices will be amplified 10,000 times by followers of your examples. You have renewed our strength and resolve as activists. Thank you. We won’t stop fighting for your freedom or for animal rights. We have only just begun.

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how can this be? I thought about this verdict all day today. Appeal Wayne please. The judge was so clearly biased in not allowing your defense to proceed without such severe restrictions. I hope you will be able to keep us posted in some way. We love you Wayne. You are so admired. Appeal.

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The judge was raised Catholic (thus biased), and Catholic Church teachings devalue animals to the status of "things," to be owned (property) and used and discarded as mere means to human ends. "The Catholic Church openly despises animals.... Perhaps because it evolved in a land or in a population--the Mediterranean--that by tradition wastes little love on animals, the Catholic Church...doesn't like animals and doesn't hide it: she has never wanted to spend one word against vivisection, nor any of the other cruelties that man commits against animals...." --Hans Ruesch, "Slaughter of the Innocent"

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This breaks my heart but justice will prevail. You’re going to change minds and hearts in there too, Wayne. Thank you for being a leader for the animals and the people. Hope we’ll continue to get updates from you and how we can support you.

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I'm so proud to call you friend. I told Baily what happened and he responded with "you can beat and kill a dog or cat and nothing will happen to you but Wayne saves animals and this is what happened." He's not at all happy with the judge. He's disgusted with the absurdity of it all as am I.

I'm heartbroken that you've been whisked away in handcuffs even though we were warned that this was a possibility. Sending my love and heeling kind thoughts ❤

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I am so so sorry for what has happened to you. Your words to the court were wonderful.

You are wonderful.

Cannot wait for your appeal.

Sending all my love and luck. X

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We support you and the movement Wayne. Thank you for all the work you've done. Waiting on the appeal. Justice for you and the animals.

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So sorry to hear this-- I hope you appeal. Please somehow stay safe and strong.

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THANKS Wayne! Your courage and conviction are amazing and inspiring. Your decision to challenge the legality of animal abuse and stand for animals even to the extent of incarceration is an act of love which exposes the brutality of systemic violence and is rippling into the collective consciousness of us all. It will continue to move minds and hearts always. Thanks for your dedication and integrity. We are all enriched where it matters most by your example. I do not believe the animals have ever had a more steadfast and honorable champion. Truth will prevail and love wins. Will be praying for you and sending good energies until I can hug and congratulate you again. Thank you brother for reminding us of our humanity and believing in us. Thank you for your sacrifice. With love always, Brian

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I’m so sorry for the verdict. But you are amazing!! 🙏🙏🙌🙌

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Wayne, We'll be with you every step of the way to support you.

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This is crazy! We look forward to helping you and the movement. It sounds like things are getting worse before they improve. 🙏

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