Nov 23, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

This will be my first year not eating animals. I appreciate this post because it prepares me for tomorrow while I am with my family, seeing social media posts of what others are eating etc. Not eating animals has made me feel deeply but at the same time become frustrated when I see others eat animals, I cannot judge them as I was in their shoes before, but I am no longer blindfolded. So, this thanksgiving I will be sitting in gratitude, honoring those animals that have passed on and will say a prayer for those who continue to suffer. Thank you for your words.

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This post is incredibly thoughtful, meaningful and accurate. I appreciate beyond words the time you take to educate us.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

most of us were brought up eating animals without thinking, being raised that way, but i heard someone say today a kid in their family saw the turkey without a head and cried you killed it! and the family were shocked by this reaction and stopped eating animals. we're taught to separate the animal from the meat. we're raised to dissociate. and this has a profound impact on our lives and the lives of animals as well as the whole living earth.

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You folks are true heroes to me. Your courageous fight against factory farming by rescuing animals, while being hunted by the FBI and risking jail time, is inspiring.

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I have difficulty watching family members eat meat and in trying to educate them about animal cruelty and suffering seems to fall on deaf ears! I

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Same here. They seem anesthetized by cognitive dissonance.

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I am so grateful for everything you do, Wayne. You are brave and kind.

I became vegetarian when a former boyfriend told me that no bird ever died in his name for a holiday because he was vegetarian. I thought if he could do it, so could I.

As my awareness about animal agriculture increased, it was a natural step to go vegan (whole food /plant-based) and I’ve never looked back. I love living my principles, and can sleep at night knowing that I’m doing the best I can for animals, the planet, and my health. 😊

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love the mailbag. thanks for doing it, and keep em coming! 🙏🖤

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One of the focuses of my gratitude is you, and this org. Thank you.

I imagine you are familiar with the Non-Human Rights Project; nonhumanrights.org

The Nonhuman Rights Project is an American nonprofit animal rights organization seeking to change the legal status of at least some nonhuman animals from that of property to that of persons, with a goal of securing rights to bodily liberty and bodily integrity. Wikipedia

Founded: 1995

Founder: Steven M. Wise

This is a big step to long-lasting change.

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I also support them!

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