THE WRITING IS PHENOMENAL ! The interrelationship described amongst legal, compassion and animals is extraordinary. Congratulations on the dismissal!

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Thanks Chris! Appreciate it.

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There never should’ve been a criminal case- this world is f’ed up. Glad her case was dismissed but beyond angry that they took the 2 cows and killed them ! WHY???? Hope karma gets them

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Agreed 100%! Never should have become a criminal case.

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This was never a crime. Celebrate and keep doing the right thing for the animals, Tracy. We love you

Thank you Wayne!

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Wonderful news!!! Such a terrible ending for the precious cows though and for what Tracy went through just to help some defenseless animals.

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We're very happy. :)

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Congratulations Tracy and Wayne, you did it! Thank you for being a force of justice and compassion for the animals. What a nightmare of a situation, but with a positive outcome that sets a precedent and shows the world who we are. It's all about love, peace, and compassion.

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Thanks for the support, Sarah!

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This is what our world has become. At the slightest inclination of incurring wrong doing, rather than try to understand the situation, polarization occurs. Win win win and fight fight fight are the operative words in this type of altercation.

Now, where could this non-constructive behavior have originated? I’ll leave that as an exercise to the reader.

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I am an Italian citizen who works as a lawyer in Italy and like most of the Italian population looks to the judicial system in the USA as an example of democracy and impartiality but when I read news like this my trust in justice is also undermined. My heart breaks for the 2 cows killed and for the pain suffered by those who should instead be praised as a hero, a savior and benefactor. I am happy that everything is over in the best and most just and equitable way and as I repeat to myself, never give up and continue to fight for a better world for all living beings without distinctions of any kind.

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It was a deep injustice. Thank you for your work in Italy.

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Thoroughly enjoyed reading your filing. It was really interesting to get this peek into how you present these arguments before the courts. Thank you for all of it!

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Thanks Mirna!

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This brilliant narrative explains why Asha's world was upended for a while. Although it is tragic that two lives were taken away needlessly, and it must have been traumatizing for Tracy, it is sound news that the case against her has been dismissed. She has persevered victoriously through this episode.

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Thank you Niloofar!

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Thank you for sharing your filing and telling the story of Tracy and Asha. Another case where prosecution's tactics was a last minute dismissal just before the trial was set to start. I hope Tracy and Asha can get back to doing what they do for the good of their community and with their support.

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Congrats to you and Tracy. It took courage. ln this case and Ridglan there have been late dismissals on the eve of trial. I sense an evolving tactic on the part of DAs: make the defense spend money and time preparing for the case, finding attorneys, traveling long distances, and finally comes the dismissal. Siege tactics.

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I am so glad the case against Tracy was dismissed. So sad about Ismael and Willow whose lives were ended viciously for human greed and gluttony.

Thank you Wayne for everything you do to help animals and animal protectors.

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thank you Wayne for all that you do!

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Great news!!

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As always, captured the truth. TY!

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Thank you for doing what we all should be doing-- honorable worthy action.

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