Great article and hopefully moving forward to a time when rescuers will be viewed as the right and proper thing to do

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Looking forward to supporting you all in court when this trial begins.

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For those who didn't see my Op-Ed on this subject in the March Sonoma County Gazette, here you go! https://www.sonomacountygazette.com/sonoma-county-news/opinion-who-decides-which-animals-deserve-love-and-compassion-and-which-on/

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GREAT piece Sarah!

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Wayne, you continue to amaze me. You do not rest. Thank you for opening minds, including mine.

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I suggest you read Political Pomerology, or take a look at the core ideas, anyway. The findings: about 6% of the population lack empathy - whether this is from life events, brain trauma or genetics - and this is at the root of evil. These people - because of the lack of empathy - like power, have no qualms about manipulating, lying, hurting, etc. They gravitate toward each other. Yes, a system controlled by people with empathy has some resistance to those lacking empathy. However there is a huge danger. Most of those of us with empathy - a large majority, 94% - lack awareness of the danger posed by non-empaths, and therefor we are very vulnerable to the manipulation, etc, of the non-empaths who have no qualms about doing whatever it takes to get their way. I have written a couple of posts on POLITICAL PONEROLOGY. The book is from a survivor of Communist systems. It started as a number of people who wanted to get this information out. The others were killed before the work could be completed. You are missing something huge if you do not look at the role of evil people. Here are 2 posts:

PONEROLOGY: a theory of evil. POLITICAL PONEROLOGY: a theory regarding the roots of evil in politics. VITAL INSIGHTS: https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/ponerology-a-theory-of-evil-political

What matters most? Whoever's at the top? The Elite? Or the Psychopath Cohort - 3-6% of the population? Urgent: time to explore Ponerology: https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/what-matters-most-whoevers-at-the

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You have some interesting twists to your logic. Where do your numbers for people who lack empathy come from? How about- Sociapaths? They run many large corporations. Regardless of empathy numbers, bad human behavior comes down to one simple thing $/resources for "survival". It's the ultimate corrupter of good used by the CIA & countless other groups to further what ever agenda is being pushed for $/resources.

You mention Soros(alt-right hater fav), Gates(general douche disliked by many) & Rothschild(conspiracy theorist favorite) why do those names come to mind first? There are so many bad actors, Look to where the most money/resources are to trace the root of evil/corruption throughout history. Question is- can this human behavior ever be changed? No, I don't think so, a constantly vigilant stance must be taken to put a check on human greed. If not our greed will be our own end as we destroy our own habitat(the earth) for $/resources. Humans continue to March strongly towards our & earth's most living creatures end. How do we change this mindset & this otherwise certain destruction of this beautiful planet?

Folks have tried to create government for community aka communism but in the wrong hands of people like Stalin a seemingly good thing can be twisted & corrupted and now be something that is pointed to as inherently evil despite its origins of good intention.

So I ask again, how do we bring about change? Wayne certainly has found a way to put a chink in the system in regard to the animal industrial complex her in the USA but a multipronged coordinated effort is needed to bring about systemic change I think.

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You write: "Where do your numbers for people who lack empathy come from? How about- Sociapaths?" The answer: the numbers come from Political Ponerology, which I strongly recommend. I already gave links to a couple of articles on the ideas in the book. I will give them again at the end. As for the second thing you ask, "How about Sociapaths," - yes, these are non-empaths, part of the 6%.

Note: I am all for using Wayne's methods. I also hold that we need to look at the role of evil. In other words, Wayne's methods, from all I know and have experienced, are fine - often fabulous - but not enough.

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Hi, Do you recall the chapter, page? Is that the latest edition you quoted, or?

We certainly need as many methods as possible to balance the scales.


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Here are the links to stuff I posted. In there you will get links, especially to the whole book being read (computer generated reading - but great for when you would not have time to read).

Here are 3 posts:

The Ponerology Rabbit-Hole. Wow!! Then someone asked: MAKE IT SIMPLE.


PONEROLOGY: a theory of evil. POLITICAL PONEROLOGY: a theory regarding the roots of evil in politics. VITAL INSIGHTS: https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/ponerology-a-theory-of-evil-political

What matters most? Whoever's at the top? The Elite? Or the Psychopath Cohort - 3-6% of the population? Urgent: time to explore Ponerology: https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/what-matters-most-whoevers-at-the

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“there is no statewide inspection system for factory farms“

This is just mind-blowing.

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You have a brilliant mind Wayne and an amazing fortitude to see change through! Even putting your own freedom at risk repeatedly to make progress towards ending animal abuse. These selfless acts are those of a Saint. Thank you for your continued strength in giving the voiceless a defense.❤️💯

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Wayne, your knowledge and insight are so valuable. One of the pathways to a more humane world is through young people of today- Hopefully the seed of change has been planted in that young girls mind( 4-H needs a moral renovation as well). Thanks Wayne for this platform and everything you give us to gain strength .

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Indeed, let us hope. I know the lawyers representing her. They are good people.

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Hopefully one day soon the tables will turn to show the world that animals are not property and that the right to rescue will dominate.

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Thanks for sharing this.

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I desperately need your help the Sonoma county animal control has had my baby since April 23 they lied to me for the beginning and said they were coming out to do a safety check then didn’t look at yard or home and took him they lied and said that I didn’t have him under control when they were at the home NOTE: they didn’t even see the dog until my friend brought him out because I was distraught inside they served me a paper I responded back and they aren’t going by the ordinances that clearly states they have No More than 30 days to have a court date in every ordinance Sonoma county and city of Santa Rosa has I’ve been every where city attorney police sheriff county supervisor no one will listen to me please help this is my emotional support animal I’m dying

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