I'm learning so much through following this case. Thank you, Wayne, for taking such a huge personal risk in favor of saving animals and furthering the animal rights movement, and for taking the extra time to write out such clear explanations of the legal proceedings so people like me can understand. You are truly a hero and an inspiration.

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You're a hero. Very few stand up for their beliefs, risking their freedom as you have.

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Keep up the good fight, Wayne! We love you and support you

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You are an inspiring example of taking every situation, good or bad, and looking for an opportunity within to do good. We all need to be sharing your stories to help make others aware of the work that’s needed to help change the way we regard animal beings and heighten the sense of urgency to end the nightmare injustice and cruelty imposed on them every moment of every day. From changing consumers habits to changing laws, from opening minds and hearts to opening cages and legal doors, every action matters.

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