no animals in laboratories no more no more torture and laboratories the public has enough We're outrageous We have to put the pressure on our government to stop the torture laboratories f By the way we're paying for it This must stop and it must stop now right now Together we can do it We are their voice Let's do it This year we could do it Let's do it now
no animals in laboratories no more no more torture and laboratories the public has enough We're outrageous We have to put the pressure on our government to stop the torture laboratories f By the way we're paying for it This must stop and it must stop now right now Together we can do it We are their voice Let's do it This year we could do it Let's do it now
no animals in laboratories no more no more torture and laboratories the public has enough We're outrageous We have to put the pressure on our government to stop the torture laboratories f By the way we're paying for it This must stop and it must stop now right now Together we can do it We are their voice Let's do it This year we could do it Let's do it now