Wayne, once again thank you for this post. Your writing is honest and piercing, pointing out a much broader picture. This wasn’t a Natural Disaster. More like Disaster Capitalism.

I will support your trial #ProsecuteMe.

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Disaster capitalism and the manipulation by Silicon Valley billionaires.

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While I agree that taking care of wildlife is as important as taking care of human inhabitants, I am not so clear on the devastating effects the police and other officials seemed to have actually caused through negligence....and if that negligence was deliberate. There are accounts of irresponsible malevolent actions by officials and rumors that human life was worth far less than the possible profit to be made once the inhabitants...mostly poor....were eliminated....

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne—brilliant perspective on the laws of nature that major media would dare touch upon.

With you all the way—especially with the upcoming trial. Right on brother—the truth shall prevail. My greatest wish - abolish factory farming. A plant-based world. Peace and non violence for all sentient beings.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

When will climate activists UNIFY with animal rights activists?

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This is another tragedy that will continue to occur throughout the world because of human greed 💔

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Something is going on with the Maui Humane Society. They would not allow one of the most well respected Animal rescue team on the planet clearance to get in to save the animals. They came anyway and just wanted to help with a team of 6. Since the Maui Humane Society s said they are not invited. Do not come and if they go anywhere near the zone they will be arrested. They don’t care about these cats. There is a big ego from another rescue group that doesn’t want them here and have spread bad lies about them so no one will work with them. Here’s what one top person said: One of the best and hardest working human/ rescue groups on the planet. No high salaries like the National humane organizations, just grit, compassion and dedication! They were deployed to Ukraine last year twice and have state of the art equipment! They come from the heat and are doing so much more while here! Building catios to house the cats that are trapped so we have a place for them. Mhs is booked and these cats have no where to go! The treatment by mhs towards this group is unbiased! Please look the group up! And Mhs turned them away!!! Assert. Disaster Animal Rescue. Facebook: Web site: www.Assert.earth

This is all political! And they called to arrest this group? Are you kidding me? They are prolonging this rescue while cats are dying! Please write this story! Their smear and lies about them are unbelievable!!! They just want to help and they are being denied clearance!!! They should all be working together to get these dying cats out of there! Everyone is up and arms over this!!! Please help get this story out! Mahalo

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Just a suggestion: I like to post comments and share pro-animal articles on the Vatican's Facebook page. So far I haven't been booted out. Replies or comments from the Pope's fans are few and far between--one wonders, have they been so indoctrinated all they can do is endlessly "Praise Pope Francis! Hallelujah! Glory to God! Praise the Lard!" In the words of Mr. Spock, "Jim, they're religious. They have no logic."


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59 years ago my uncle said to me WITHOUT BIRTH CONTROL WE ARE DOOMED and how wise he was. Later a book came out called the Population Bomb. I fully understand that mother earth is not able to hold what we are dumping on the planet and is screaming. Over development and the humans species multiplying off the planet are the major reasons for what we are facing now.

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i think the extinctions result not from the first humans, the native hawaiians, but from the colonizers.

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SPAM is sending truck loads of Poison Spam to Hawaii. Did you know that Spam is the remains of pork waste being it can also come from what falls on the floor of sick pigs in hell hole factory farms. Hawaii needs real healthy food and money not Spam to make them more sick with the chemical feast SHAME ON SPAM Before any animal is killed it releases a chemical fear the goes into the person who eat it. Not good and may be a reason we have evolved to what we are today sick and violent.

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