Sep 30, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Beautifully written, Wayne.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

I am sending you all my prayers and love. You are not alone!!

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Best wishes, Wayne. For the birds and all animals, Karen Davis, United Poultry Concerns

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne, it is unfathomable the amount of money and the time the court/legal system has been spending to prosecute you for saving two piglets from death. I hope the court/judge come to their senses and drop all the charges against you and other DXE members. In solidarity.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

This is brutal. You have great courage. Thanks for everything you do and praying for your success. Victory will be so sweet.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

It disgusts me how this judge is handling this situation. I saw sthg last night where people are showing beetles and roaches being turned into living robots. 1 video is geared for KIDS on how to enslave your very own roach which includes a surgery and freezing it to control it. The other scientist was saying it can be used to find people in rubble after natural disasters. Of course theres ppl who say the bug has no brains and doesn't feel pain and to me its like who cares if it feels pain. It is ALIVE. What gives you the right to do this just because you can. The superiority complex is so full in some of these sociopaths. They truly believe the world belongs to them and owes them everything. I cried to hear your last words and your friend's last glimmer of hope though puts it all in perspective. I will pray for you even though I am not religious. Huggies Wayne.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

So they are basically trying to prevent you guys from presenting any evidence? No photos or documentation of the conditions at the repugnant complex of torture and atrocity? No photos or documentation in relation to the state of Lizzie & Lily when rescued or their improvement since being saved? Absolutely absurd. To Smithfield this is a matter of petty theft and that's it?! A misdemeanor I believe? Oh, and this "accomplice liability" crap...wtf?! Equating you to getaway drivers in a bank robbery?! Trying to set some kind of precedent so that all members of a group or perhaps all attendants at an event or action can be held criminally responsible if just one person flies off the handle in some way?

Save a dog from a hot car (by smashing a window) and people, including local tv news outlets, treat you like a hero. Save a couple of piglets from a dumpster left there to slowly die in a pile of their dead relatives and friends and they treat you like a friggin' mafia hitman. Beyond maddening. Beyond absurd. Never mind the fact that pigs are just as intelligent, empathic, & loyal as dogs... "man's best friend".

In my armature opinion this is already looking like grounds for a mistrial.

The arrogance created by wealth of resources and connection forces these giant torture and death factories to look at these situations/trials as a momentary game of 'Whack-A-Mole" with the presumption that their coffers and governmental favor will squash us toot-sweet. They are too blind, too greedy to see that before long there will be too many moles to whack. People are fed up with living in a world of misery and death. People are sick of the constant torrent of toxicity we all are steeped in and the environmental impacts that result.

However I think that one could say that in a way, you guys have won. Kindness and compassion have prevailed. Lizzie and Lily have experienced love and safety. Countless humans have been made aware and have been inspired. And now Smithfield wants to punish you for it. To scare and/or shame others from following suit. I think most level headed folks would consider this to be a matter of petty revenge rather than justice. Again, petty theft?!…a total "value" (to them) of $100 or less?!! Absolutely insane.

Multitudes stand with you and Paul as you face this gruesome goliath.

On behalf of the millions languishing within the rancid meat farms, those currently dealing with the effects of climate catastrophe (which of course animal ag is partly responsible), and those yearning and working for a kinder and more balanced/sustainable system of human existence I thank you greatly!!!

Love and respect.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Where can we donate to your costs

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne, thank you for being on the frontline in this war against unimaginable and unnecessary animal cruelty. You and your colleagues fight for so many of us who are true pet parents and lovers of all creatures but for whatever reason aren’t able to physically step into the fire and be a voice for the voiceless. Your sacrifices are immeasurable. I have been praying for you and will continue. Your trial begins the same day my mom is having a mass removed from her colon. She is my world and my guiding light. She knows firsthand my connection to God’s creatures. May God hear all of these prayers and make a way for you to be triumphant!🙏☮️

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

THANK YOU!!! You are Brave and Noble and We All Really LOVE YOU. Just be your heart and go into its protection.

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Much love and protection to you. And then, absolutely: this trial is not about burglary but about love. And yes, Remember love, and no cage can stop you from being free. Man's Search for Meaning: the author, in a concentration camp, would not let his mind and spirit be taken over.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Dear Wayne, I am praying for you. Thank God for the activists who stand up for injustice, especially for animals, who have no voice against their human oppressors. You are supported and loved. Using animals without any conscience and animal cruelty must stop and it will stop, because of you and your compatriots. You are not alone. The beings on High support your work and they can work miracles. Be blessed. DCM

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne you are one of my Heroes! Freedom to You and All Animals is a must!

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Sending you love and best wishes during these challenging times, Wayne.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

I’ve been taken in by your enlightening perspective that delves into the philosophical tenets that override your will to expose the pervasive abuse of animals in the meat industry.

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May true justice and love prevail.

Thank you for all you’ve done.

Holding you in my thoughts and prayers.

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