Disheartening to hear about all the unjustifiable arrests. No words can describe how hard this is to understand how the good people are imprisoned and the bad ones win.

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

But the civil rights movement had wide mainstream publicity. With animal issues, except for Unchained TV, there's a complete blackout -- as Jane says, shameful derelection of duty on the part of journalists. There has to be a way to break through this impasse. I wonder what students are being taught in journalism school. What about the teachers and administration -- can we beseech them through heavy letter-writing and calls to muster the courage to cover what's going on?

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

The NYT wrote about the Smithfield and foster farms trials. The blackout is definitely real at the moment. But we've broken through before. We cab do it again. I keep saying we need a massive rally in DC, multi day sit in, all groups fighting for animals, together, regardless of status, i.e., liberation vs. Welfare, and so on. EVERYONE. Multiple arrests could happen. In talking DxE, Peta, HSUS, ASPCA, defenders of wildlife, Sierra club, ALDF, and the likes.. it's time. We could call on all grottos in every nation to coordinate. We could emphasize ALL the reasons including climate change, viruses, environment, and so on. Make a massive coordinated global statement that cannot be ignored. People who can't travel to DC can organize our attend in their local city. Make it impossible to ignore . Who's with me?

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

I'm with you. But still think trying to push some TV (where I think most people get their news) journalist buttons is an untapped tactic, and worth tapping. I wish I knew some people working for the mainstream networks and gain some insight into how those systems work. Time to start anywhere and write some letters. Any value added to this idea is appreciated.

A DC rally could still be ignored I'm pessimistic to say. According to Jane, even if we were all naked.

Actually, I feel many times that it is naive to feel hopeful ... to still be operating on the presumption that there is good and fairness in this world left ... :'(

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Agree completely.

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I would add that independent media is shining the light on this. That's how I got here. The mainstream media is dying because we see it for the propaganda it is. There is only a blackout if we stop acting and sharing.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

I still see so much conformity and complacency around me. And suffering, for which, understandably there is no bandwidth to think about anything except their own and family's survival. And seems like people are popping out babies more than ever which means they are not aware to have any kind of sense of urgency. I see what's in their shopping carts on the checkout line. Is there any luxury of time for them to wake up? I don't think so. Mainstream media is the dominant source of information. We have to figure out a way to get in there.

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History repeats itself and change will only happen when people realize this. The "names/scenarios" might be different, but the premise is always the same. Power/Control/Money is at the root of all oppression. The issue of Animal Rights affects every.single.being on this planet -- plant and animal - because continuing to devalue living beings will end all life.... as we are seeing with climate change. Everyday I try to connect the dots for people...choose something you care about...if not the animals, how about your and your family's health...if not animals or your health, how about the environment/earth?

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To be honest, I really don’t think that humans deserve this beautiful planet. Everything we touch, we kill!!! X

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Sharing my post from another site:

If you eat “less meat” and your neighbor and his kids are eating more meat, how is that a “solution” to “climate change” without reducing global human overpopulation which is DEMANDING meat, dairy, eggs, sea-life? My sole concern is for the animals, period. As the late Karen Davis said in her email to “progressive” Michael Moore:

[Humankind] is the one species on Earth that no other species, animal or plant, needs in order to thrive, except perhaps for certain host-specific microbes. We bring misery, terror, depletions and poisons everywhere we penetrate ourselves into. Is this going to continue into Eternity? Are mainstream “progressives” congenitally incapable of even acknowledging the existence of beings outside ourselves? We are ruining the planet for all these creatures who are NOT ruining the planet. Are these beings really not in your consciousness at all? — Karen Davis, email to filmmaker Michael Moore, asking “Why Aren’t Our Fellow Animals on Your Progressive Agenda?”

Allow me to add:

Do poor people wannabe rich people? Don’t they all wanna live like Americans? Humans in general adapt to American lifestyles thanks to globalization trade, propaganda, missionary charities and indoctrination….

The master switches are population growth and Western economics. There is no unified, enforceable, worldwide policy to deal with them, and they are diametrically opposed to long-term survival.  EIGHT BILLION people cannot help but poison the earth’s physiology, because  EIGHT BILLION mouths devour so much of the planet’s biomass that the ecosystems are shorted, and  EIGHT BILLION anuses produce so much feces that unless it is all recycled through the soil in which it originated, it accumulates in the water tables or in the off-shore waters.  EIGHT BILLION people also desire the comfortable, easy, painless, narcotic lifestyle of the West, and that limbic desire foments Western industry. The living surface of the Earth is a biological organ and cannot survive the caustic feces that industry for  EIGHT BILLION produces. And Western economics, based on indefinite growth, and driven by the self-interest of each individual, begets hysterical consumption of resources. — Source: “DIVORCE AMONG THE GULLS, An Uncommon Look at Human Nature” by William Jordan 

Good intentions are like the Pope’s talk about kindness to animals. No animals ever benefit. When it comes down to human needs, wants and human pleasures and profits versus animal lives and suffering, all the major religions fail. As long as they consider animals “property,” given no moral standing, and abusing them is not considered a sin and a crime–no matter how many encyclicals the Pope issues talking about the “value” of animals “in the eyes of the Lord”–it is lip service, it is political, it is public relations–they are simply empty abstractions that change nothing.

I say this over and over, because “Humanity” is NOT a paragon of high moral standards. The Catholic Church, for instance, is a historically accurate lesson in "morals".

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

My husband and I became Vegan 20 years ago. We have been posting and reposting your story. Alocal woman running for state assembly reached out to me to tell me that my posts have encouraged her to stop eating meat. Abolitionists and Suffragists thought change would never come, but it did. We will prevail.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Shame on you mainstream media @MSNBC

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It's the job of the mainstream/mass media--in print and electronic form--to misinform, disinform, dismiss, ignore, spin, demonize, contradict, and mock--those activists who challenge The System, i.e., the corporate sponsors' interests. The news media isn't fair, nor objective, and is not a level playing field for both sides of any issue, especially for animal-rights/activist issues.

See: "Toxic Sludge is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry" by by John Stauber (Author), Sheldon Rampton (Author), Mark Dowie (Introduction)

"Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media" is a 1988 book by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky. It argues that the mass communication media of the U.S. "are effective and powerful ideological institutions that carry out a system-supportive propaganda function, by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship, and without overt coercion", by means of the propaganda model of communication.[1] The title refers to consent of the governed, and derives from the phrase "the manufacture of consent" used by Walter Lippmann in Public Opinion (1922).[2] The book was honored with the Orwell Award.

BEWARE OF THIS MAN: Richard (Dr. Evil) Berman uses his websites to spread Big Ag propaganda and arouse carnist fear over threats of losing their burgers. Berman's propaganda says that Biden's Green New Deal would demand a reduction in the consumption of meat." The meat industry remains a steady investor in disinformation to make people think that any day now, a liberal will show up in their kitchen (or car) to snatch the big juicy burger right out of their hand." Berman propaganda also targets animal rights/welfare organizations and supports exploitation such as canned hunts, puppy mills, and roadside zoos. Berman websites include the Center for the Environment and Welfare, HumaneWatch, Center for Consumer Freedom, Center for Accuracy in Science, and Environmental Policy Alliance. LINKS: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/8/26/2048316/-Rick-Dr-Evil-Berman-Uses-Washington-Examiner-To-Scare-Burger-Eaters-with-Environmental-Wokeism


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Shared your comment to major newsmedia outlets.

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RFK Jr is stating he will end factory farming. What do you think of this?

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A quote from RFK Jr - "Industrial-owned agriculture is not only giving us unhealthy food, it’s wiping out family farms and allowing China to take control of our landscapes." I think he also considers it a threat to American democracy.

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Good. Anything that helps to end these farms should be good.

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We need him to be a soaker at my DC dream really.

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Looks like they've gotten threatened by the social voice dxe makes and taken seriously. You and your friends, Zoe, Conrad, and Rocky is not alone!

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Wayne Hsiung

They are trying to gang press all of you! Just hope you can all withstand this horrendous pressure! X

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The arrests and prosecution are happening because they're losing narrative control. It's a sign the strategy is working.

The price is steep for the first warriors through the gate, and that's why we must keep moving forward to support those being prosecuted. Please continue to share and donate your time and money. ✊

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Amazing how those who rescue animals are prosecuted, and those who routinely kick, abuse and kill them in the "farms" are free to continue doing it.

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