Well written and thank you, Doug and Wayne, for this very insightful conversation.

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I appreciate learning more about you. Would you PM me Syd Most and share your Mo, Day, Year, exact time and place of birth? No ch, Always For The Animals ♍🐘🙏🐈‍⬛(09/12/1938 L.A. CA)

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Thank you for your article that will keep me going to post animal rights/vegan content on my whatsapp status for the 11 people who view them every day (out of the 200+ contacts on my phone). I hope to positively contaminate them so that they may be doing the same thing in a couple of years' time, and if they each do the same to another 11 people...

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I also wanted to share this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HatjkXu8WJk to the Nicholas Christakis video highlighting the scientific study that if your friends are obese, your chance of being obese is 45% greater. So this same principle should apply to people being more likely to be vegan if their friends are vegan.

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Nicholas Christakis has done really important work. Thanks for sharing!

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Join "Vision Setting and Feedback - The Connected Initiative" with Wayne Hsiung on Sunday, May 22nd, in-person or on Zoom:


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