Jul 16Liked by Wayne Hsiung

There is pretty convincing evidence that there's a link between childhood torture of animals and aggressive, violent behavior as an adult, which is particularly strong in serial abusers and killers. This link is also true of children who witness cruelty to animals, which I imagine desensitizes them to the behavior. We need to find ways to intervene early on before aggression is normalized and more prone to escalate into more violent aggression in adulthood. Animal abuse needs to be taken seriously by law enforcement with penalties, but also with rehabilitation. The cycle of abuse needs to be stopped.

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You are absolutely right. And I cannot more strongly agree with the need for rehab, and not just punishment. Hurt people hurt people. And the best way to end the cycle is to help people who are hurt, not hurt them more.

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Jul 16·edited Aug 8Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Linking support for animals to the path toward World Peace is a winning strategy, I believe.

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Jul 16Liked by Wayne Hsiung

This is brilliant and beautiful. Thanks Wayne.❤️

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Jul 16Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Thank you for this thought provoking piece which makes complete sense. I also believe kindness toward and compassion for all animals makes us better human beings on many levels.

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Jul 16Liked by Wayne Hsiung

good article

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Thanks Ellen!

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thank you Wayne for another excellent article , reminding that suffering of animals are directly connected with war, violence and terrorism . there are unrecognized social, psychological and spiritual consequences to our meals that ripple through all aspects of our lives. our spirit requires us to be loving and recognize the pain we are causing through our food choices .

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Jul 16Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne, this is an excellent entryway into the subject of violence. Violence against animals is a known predictor of domestic violence. This has been recognized for decades and I have argued it in court. Violence against animals is often the first thing seen or perpetrated by a young child. It sets a pattern of how to deal with feelings of rage, helplessness or self-dislike. If the early pattern is one of compassion an alternate life is set in motion. In quiet moments if we watch our thoughts we will learn a lot about ourselves and how we will react in unscripted situations.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Spot on! Animals are healing forces. They do not judge us no matter how hideous we are to them. We are the only species that does not "fit" in. We do not benefit nature in any way, whereas every other species is part of the natural order. The best humans can hope for is to do no harm.

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Jul 16Liked by Wayne Hsiung

#SOS #help #dog  #AnimalsLover #dogsftwitter #ADOPTION #RESCUE #FOSTER #ASAP!🚨 #AdoptDontShop

#adoptme #dogLover #savealife #pledge  #help #doggy

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Thanks for the support, Michelle! :)

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Jul 25Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Your insight is incredibly accurate and powerful, wish the leaders of this broken world would listen and apply the solutions you have to heal our world! 🌎♥️

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Jul 24Liked by Wayne Hsiung

I believe this to be absolutely true. Climate people: Animals are the environment. You can measure the fabric of a nation by the way it treats its animals. Compassionate farming end cruelty with harsh consequences (prison) for perpetrators . Federal protections of animals and ban all animal lab testing !

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Regarding the Buffalo shooting, you're off the mark about motivation.


Learn about how the CIA targets loners to take out targets using MK Ultra.

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