The regular practices you describe taking place at Ridglan are absolutely horrifying. I feel so much empathy for the workers who are made to participate in and witness such atrocities day in and day out while at their jobs. They must become inured to seeing and feeling the horrors taking place. No wonder there is so much violence in the world. I've watched the video of Julie and her fellow puppies in confinement a number of times, but it never gets any easier to see and to not tear up.

I hope Judge Lanford's record of fairness and compassion will prevail, and that her ruling will send a strong message that these practices and conditions will no longer be allowed to go unnoticed and will be stopped.

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Just as industrial farming takes place behind locked doors, without the light of day, animal “research” labs are allowed to operate with impunity. It is so damn heartbreaking to hear about. Wayne, I am so glad you and Simple Heart are getting the word out about their incredibly abusive practices. Godspeed, my friend.

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If it turns out as it seems it's going to, then it would be great to see some sharp writing from outside lawyers and other judges detailing the way this judge in effect FAILED TO BE CORRUPTIBLE by this debased industry sheltering under the shields of medicine and legalism. Surely your ability to progressively make points across many cases is part of it --- the clubby judge industry still has things to learn, indeed. But also the story of an individual's relative integrity should be honored as much as possible, I think, and the contrast with, say, the Superior here and the Superior there should be broadcast. Without corrupt judiciary, not to mention the rotten popular ethics gotten from various "belief systems" that munch behind Law, this industry woud have nothng to rely on, would never even have arisen. Thank you for your pathbreaking and health giving efforts.

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Ridglan Farms can no longer hide crimes of violence against dogs.

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You guys are my heroes 🥹♥️thank you for your courage and perseverance

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Because of the difficult and persistent work of Wayne Hsuing and team for exposing two decades of outright torture and morally bereft behavior of Ridglan Farms, exploiting massive numbers of defenseless sentient beings, there is hope for almost 3000 Beagles to get a second chance at life, because up till now, they have not had a life but a mere extremely painful and deprived existence.

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Thank you so much, Wayne, and Scott and other whistleblowers, for all the work you do.

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This was such an inspiring read -- this sounds more promising than I would have imagined.

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