Thank you Wayne, for your cogent address of this elephant (cow/pig/chicken) in the room.

There WILL be a tipping point where those who resist the inconvenience of change and accountability for the far-reaching consequences of their consumption of animals will be in the minority.

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Thanks for this important article!

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thank you Wayne for your hard work and continued advocacy

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Sadly we live in a country called America so ignorant, backward and corrupt as to call the system the system of the walking dead. As Rome fell so shall America. How to change the ignorant who kill their own species. WE DO those of the highest intelligent and our great leaders as Wayne will. And never give up on animal slaves as the laws of nature is zero stays the same in time. We have had black rights, woman rights now it is time for those walking on four legs time and we will leave the cave we evolved from behind forever.

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The hypocrisy is sickening!!

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Well over 5 stars to the dedicated people who have the courage to come face to face with satanists who commit the darkest crimes on earth taking another species into he bowled of hell in factory farms there is an old wisdom truth that what you do unto others will return to the evil doers 18 times more.

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How many hormones are in america milk? milk is for cow babies. Go to WHITE COAT WASTE and learn how your tax dollars are being used besides continuous war on war. The present mayor of NY is VEGAN and why young boys need to wear a bra from the hormones in drinking chemical milk and why fat mutated people exist today.

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