Jul 14Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne, this is such a great blog post and I commend you for the courage to come out and openly have this very necessary and difficult conversation. We can't keep walking around the 2000 pound bull in the living room, or the legs, wings, and breasts in the refrigerator that suffered violent and unthinkable deaths. And thanks so much for the mention of us turning our cattle ranch in Texas to Rowdy Girl Sanctuary. It is my greatest prayer that our story will infiltrate the darkness soon because where there is light no darkness can prevail. Let's do this! You are one of those bright lights that ever shines in this world of suffering. I love you.

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Your work is so inspirational, Renee!

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Jul 14Liked by Wayne Hsiung

I 100% agree with the need to shine a light on factory farms and all the cruelty that takes place within them as you have been doing — thank you! But I am not comfortable lumping Biden campaign issues together with animal abuse. Though the Biden Administration does not have a great track record on animal welfare, I believe the Trump Administration was even worse. I think if Trump is elected again, he will destroy our democracy, including the weak animal protections we have today.

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These are solid points, thank you Penny. I plan to vote for Biden for the reasons you enumerate!

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Jul 14Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Outstanding insights! Thank you Wayne!

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Jul 14Liked by Wayne Hsiung

This is an opportunity to reexamine the partisanship in our country and the world. Have we demonized those who don't agree with us? This is box, a trap. I hope we can leave this behind and recognize the world as a kaleidoscope. There are many lenses through which to see and experience events.

We can advocate for what we believe without being closed off to other points of view. Let's take this event, this shooting, and realize it could happen again and again if we continue down this path of fear and polarization.

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Precisely, thank you Larry!

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Yes: when we view others (whether people with differing views or non-human animals) as beneath our consideration, the worst in our nature emerges rather than the engaged discourse and compassion we are capable of.

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Jul 15Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Once again, thanks for that, Wayne. Brilliant. It's really refreshing to read AR material from someone who goes below the surface. Great job.

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Lots of politics here and legitimate conversation about the sad state of America especially with an incompetent in the oval office.

My belief is that to get actual movement we have to show more and specific violence in the meat industry.

It clearly worked at the

Peninsula Humane Society and can possibly work on a much broader scale.

Only the methodology needs to be refined to move forward!


Jim Gatten

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You mean US as America is US and Canada

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Jul 14Liked by Wayne Hsiung

@nytimes @NatGeo @SecVilsack

@CoryBooker @ReverendWarnock @washingtonpost @MSNBC @foxandfriends @nytopinion @sfspca @ASPCA

@GMA @kellyclarkson @DrewBarrymore

@selenagomez @latimes @FoodNetwork @SFChronicleFood @Newsweek

@nbcbayarea @ABC @NBCNews

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Jul 14Liked by Wayne Hsiung

#animalactivism #saveanimals @nytimes #endanimalcruelty #friendsnotfood #vegancommunity #animalrights #BOOMchallenge #fashion #health #justice #animals #rescue #catsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #dog

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Jul 15Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Something must be done to help animals !! The cruelty they endure is above and beyond horrific! This world is for them to live in peacefully with us humans ,who, seem to think they are above nature !

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Jul 14Liked by Wayne Hsiung

If Biden is not well and sharp enough he should be replaced but there is nobody I guess

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Harris and many others would make a better candidate, IMO!

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Thank you Wayne. I'm trying not to follow it's stressful it's corrupt.

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Jul 14Liked by Wayne Hsiung


ITS MAKING NO SENSE ALL THE CRUELTY DONE TO THE ANIMALS, animals hurt and they get abused and killed and humans when they are hurt go to hospital

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Jul 14Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Yes in my view there is nothing worse than Trump he thinks animals are disgusting so I read in the past that he made the machine to cut the hens neck go faster this means chicken will move and get boiled alive this is my answer to the lady Penny Crosman as she is right, I am in Vancouver Canada and never met one person that liked him

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Trump is an evil man!

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Jul 15Liked by Wayne Hsiung

The huge problem the Democrats face if they eliminate Biden is that they have no one electable. Newsom is way too progressive and could never win. Kamala Harris no one knows what her stands are on most things, she is too much an unknown quantity. No one electable is at hand so the Democrats are stuck with Biden and thus are desperately seeking to prop him up, as he is their only chance against Trump, though after this assassination attempt I doubt there is anyone who can stop Trump. I can't stand the man, but I'm just being realistic. These are uncomfortable truths but truths nonetheless. Whoever ends up in the WH, may they show more mercy towards non-human animals than we have seen before. Thank you so very much Wayne, for all you and your fellow activists do. You are the voice of the voiceless and we love you for it.

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I think all of those people would make a better candidate than Biden, personally. But you're right that it's unclear. And regardless, Biden (and animal ag) should be more transparent!

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Jul 15Liked by Wayne Hsiung

I agree 100%. But I'm talking about who is electable, not who is a better candidate. Unfortunately the country is not ready for a Newsom or Harris, so Trump will walk away with it. Biden is the only (slim) hope, so it's best to hang onto him, however dire the circumstances.

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Jul 15Liked by Wayne Hsiung

People don’t like being fooled, nor do they want their trust violated.

Discovering that there has been an attempt to hide truths, whether via omission, misdirection, misleading words and actions or outright duplicity should make us wonder whether there may be a festering sore under the bandage. Ideally, it makes us more than suspicious: it provokes a desire to investigate - an appropriate response in a democracy.

Confidence that someone’s words (or marketing, in the case of animal agriculture) are honest and in good faith erodes when people find out that something they have a vested interest in has been deliberately kept from them.

Whether in governance or agriculture, we cannot as a nation afford this.

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Thanks for this!

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Jul 17Liked by Wayne Hsiung

On 🎯💯🫶 as Always 👌😘🫂

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