Aug 6, 2022Liked by Wayne Hsiung

Wayne, I have myself been thinking about Jonathan Haidt and his moral foundations- upon which this research seems to be based. I agree with you about focusing on relationship, communication and understanding but I worry that there may be fundamental differences in our values that we are just smoothing over when we couch issues in terms of “conservative” values like purity. I’m really not sure. Haidt himself states in his book that he came upon purity as a foundation after spending time in India.

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How do we reach? So vital, for me as well. Currently, a big thing is: how do we reach people who are inner-blocked from hearing the dangers of the injections? Reaching people - that's long been a huge concern of mine. As a prof, I didn't care to have students fake-agree, I cared that they explored, examined, THOUGHT (meaning, found out facts and used logic) rather than stayed with "I know what I think."

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I only read the abstract of Robb Willer's paper on extreme protesting. But it makes me wonder if the four men that sat down at a white's only counter in Greensboro, NC would be considered extreme? What about Rosa Parks not giving up her bus seat? Won't our biggest enemies always think of us as being extreme? Once we achieve victory, won't society claim "duh slavery was wrong!" But I'll read the paper and hopefully that will be in there!

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